Vaelza (3.5e Race)

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Author: Primordial Elder Dragon (talk)
Date Created: 08/21/19
Status: WIP
Editing: Spelling and grammar only
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The Vaelza

A race of Humanoid Slime Lifeforms from Super Earth covered in Water

Far away in the vast expanses of space floats the Planet Xeqrai. A Super Earth that is the crown jewel of its solar system. With over 70% of the surface covered in a vast ocean that spans miles deep, there is only one solid yet massive landmass that blemishes the nigh-perfect blue marble of the system. If you were to pass by this planet, on the surface you would not think very much of the place, aside from its beauty and over abundance of resources. Dive beneath the ocean’s wave, however, and venture into the deep. There would would find vast underwater city that shine like gemstones against the seafloor. Gleaming advanced technology and full of life that surrounds them, this is the home of the Vaelza. A race of Amorphous Non-Newtonian Lifeforms that can alter their bodies and will and use their intelligence and natural abilities to life in harmony with the world around them.


The Vaelza are a curious and peaceful lot. They see any problem in life as a puzzle to be solved and a mystery to learn from. They do not shy away from challenges and will openly seek so settle disputes in a calm and logical manner. Their minds are living contradictions, much like water itself. They can be as calm as a still pool or as fierce and unrelenting as a tsunami headed to shore in their convictions. Nothing matters to them more than the pursuit of knowledge and the happiness of this hearth and home, where loved ones dwell. They are also very curious and appreciative of other cultures, loving to walk in another's shoes using their natural shapeshifting abilities. As such, the Vaelza will very happily learn from another, as variety is the spice of life itself.

Physical Description

Vaelza has a seemingly humanoid body which seems to be made of a Non-Newtonian substance like thick slime or gel with high energy and elasticity. Unlike other slime races or oozes, the Vaelza has a number of Crystal Orbs and Ovals called Heart Crystals adorned in their form. There is the Heart Core in the torso area, with a crown of them above their head, and a ring of them around the wrists and ankles. Vaelza also have a prehensile tail that can pick up objects and manipulate them, with some fine manipulation to their motions. The Males and Females also have distinct and fair obvious traits, as the females and voluptuous and curvy whereas the males will be less curvy and bulkier than their female counterparts. Do not be surprised if you see a tentacle or two, as how Vaelza are Omnifarious and have a high level shapeshifting ability as a natural trait.


The Vaelza are a Matriarchal Society, where the women are revered and seen as the leaders of their people. The men are not second class citizens, however, and nor are they treated with subservience or cruelty. Children are treasured and nurtured to be the best that they can be. The Vaelzazian people view all of their kind as family, a loving part of the whole. In concerns to other races, the Vaelza are wonderfully curious as said above and they love to learn about other cultures, even going as far to shapeshifting into another race to see what it is like to be them. When on other planets this can be seen as mockery sometimes, however, it is anything but. The stigma of Slime and Goo races hits them hard, but if they stick around and see the compassion and high intelligence that the Vaelzazian people possess naturally, they become amicable to them.


Vaelzazians are very good natured people deep down, but they are also very intelligent and logical. The normally fall in any Good or Neutral Alignment, save for Chaotic Neutral and Neutral Evil. It is not normal for them to be any form of Evil but it has happened in the past.




Like most Xenotheric races with decent intelligence, Vaelza are naturally telepathic. This is good for them, seeing as how they do not have lungs. The speak Vaelzalian, which is an assortment of psionic pings between the minds of individuals with different pitches, length of sound and other audio factors to make words and phrases.The can easily learn other languages after experiencing them for long periods of time.


Racial Traits

|attribfluff=Due to their Molecular Structure and nature of their development, the Vaelza have a completely alien mind. Their fluid nature has made them more robust yet at the same time hampering their overall dexterity and physical strength, but they make up for this with their mental abilities and nigh infinite flexibility

|autolanguage=Undercommon, Common, and Vaelzalian. |bonuslanguage=Any, except secret languages. |favoredclass=Any Psionic, Magical, or Roguish Classes. Any combination of the three is normal. |la= |ecl= }}

Vital Statistics

Table: Aging Effects
Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
years years years + years
  1. At middle age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male ' " + lb. × () lb.
Female ' " + lb. × () lb.

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Facts about "Vaelza (3.5e Race)"
AuthorPrimordial Elder Dragon +
Identifier3.5e Race +
Racial Ability Adjustments-2 Strength +, -2 Dexterity +, +4 Constitution +, +4 Intelligence +, +2 Wisdom + and +2 Charisma +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA race of Humanoid Slime Lifeforms from Super Earth covered in Water +
TitleVaelza +