Gold Dragonborn (5e Subrace)
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Gold Dragonborn[edit]
Dragonborn hailing from gold dragon lineage typically possess golden scales, gold-edged eyes, two backwards-sweeping horns and catfish-like whiskers on either side of their mouths. ' is a subrace of Dragonborn - Rewrites
- Ability Score Increase: Wisdom +1
- Gold Dragon Affinity. Gold Dragonborn gain proficiency with the Medicine skill, and may tend to one creature during a short rest. If that creature expends any Hit Dice, the Gold Dragonborn can make a Medicine check and add the result of the roll to the total hit points that creature regains at the end of the rest.
- Luckbringer. Once per short or long rest, a Gold Dragonborn can expend their reaction to grant advantage on a single d20 roll being attempted by a creature within 30ft that the dragonborn can see.
- Gold Heritage. Gold Dragonborn have Resistance to Fire damage, and their Breath weapon is a 15ft-long Cone, dealing Fire damage and allowing a Dexterity save for half damage.