Neogi (3.5e Race)

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Author: Darth Rabbitt (talk)
Date Created: May 6 2024
Status: Need to fill out the "names" section, but otherwise done.
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Slaveowning merchants from another world, neogi are essentially the Ferengi or Hutts of D&D.


Neogi are largely defined by the belief in an all encompassing idea of ownership, boiling down to "own or be owned." The acquisition of wealth and property is seen as the most important goal to the average neogi; everything, even other neogi, can be property of an affluent neogi. Neogi have a very hierarchical tribal society, with the leader (the neogi who owns the most) being called an "administrarch." Neogi are skilled merchants but have no sense of "fairness" so very few people want to deal with them, and those who do are advised to be cautious in their dealings. Despite this, neogi goods tend to be of very high quality...if you can afford them. They are also compulsive gamblers; most neogi that end up enslaved by other neogi tend to end up being so as the result of a gambling debt.

Physical Description[edit]

Neogi resemble a cross between a wolf spider and a moray eel, with spiderlike limbs and abdomen and an eellike head and neck. Their limbs and abdomens are covered in a light tan fur that they often dye to indicate rank and status to other neogi, but their heads and necks are hairless. They stand on 6 of their legs, with the other two used as manipulatory appendages. Despite this appearance neogi are warm-blooded, closer to mammals than any other class of earthly animal. They average about 3 feet tall and weigh about 60 pounds. Neogi are both sexless and genderless. They reproduce asexually by laying their eggs in venerable neogi, who undergo a transformation into mindless creatures called Great Old Masters that are eventually eaten by the hatching neogi spawn. Most neogi view this as being as natural as other races view dying from old age, but some neogi go rogue to avoid this fate. Neogi grow quickly; spawn reach adulthood in a year, hit middle age at 35 and can reach up to 60 to 80 years before growing infirm enough to be transformed into Great Old Masters.


Neogi have a xenophobic streak due to their "own or be owned" mentality, and are avoided by most other races due to their duplicitous nature and habit of enslaving others. Even neogi engaging in entirely nonviolent trade are predisposed to cheat their customers if they think they can get away with it. There are two major exceptions: the more powerful mind flayers will engage in slave trading with them (the neogi fearing them too much to risk crossing them), and umber hulks have been enslaved by neogi for so many generations that they are essentially domesticated. Umber hulk slaves are effectively beasts of burden for the neogi. While neogi tend to view other races as existing for the use of neogi, some have emotions resembling affection towards their umber hulks. Most, however, will leave an umber hulk behind to save their own lives. Neogi control non-neogi, non-umber hulk slaves through fear and resentment (and often devour them if they get too numerous or seem dangerous.)


Neogi tend towards lawful evil, since they tend towards being slavers, traders and slave traders. Neogi who care less about slavery might be other alignments; those few who oppose it might even be good.


Neogi left their homeworld long ago, in search of other worlds to plunder (or trade with), and tend to live in small groups in remote locations when not traveling. They prefer temperate aboveground climates, but often live underground. Some neogi take to the stars, using spiderlike vessels that can travel through space or across planes.


Neogi's transactional views towards relations applies to religion as much as it does anything else. They worship deities based off of what benefits they can gain from them, rather than anything resembling piety. The deity most commonly worshiped by Neogi is Tharizdun, followed by The Patient One, with a growing minority worshiping Vecna instead.


Neogi speak Common and Undercommon, having long forgotten any racial tongue they may have once known in favor of trade languages. Terran is commonly learned by neogi as well, but especially intelligent neogi can learn any number of languages.



Racial Traits[edit]

Vital Statistics[edit]

Table: Neogi Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex
1 years +1d2 +1d3 +1d4
Table: Neogi Aging Effects
Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
30 years 45 years 60 years +2d10 years
  1. At middle age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Neogi Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Genderless 2' 7" +2d4 50 lb. × (1d3) lb.

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Facts about "Neogi (3.5e Race)"
AuthorDarth Rabbitt +
Effective Character Level1 +
Favored ClassRogue + and Sorcerer +
Identifier3.5e Race +
Level Adjustment0 +
Racial Ability Adjustments-2 Strength +, +2 Dexterity +, -2 Constitution + and +2 Charisma +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeSmall +
SubtypeXenoblooded +
SummarySlaveowning merchants from another world, neogi are essentially the Ferengi or Hutts of D&D. +
TitleNeogi +
TypeAberration +