Weavile (3.5e Monster)

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Adopter: Quantumboost (talk)
Original Author: Koumei (talk)
Date Created:
Date Adopted: 4/2/2010
Status: Complete
Editing: Spelling and Grammar only
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Size/Type: Small Magical Beast (Cold)
Hit Dice: 10d10+30 (85 hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 23 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +10 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 21
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+9
Attack: Claw +14 melee (1d4+3 plus 2d6 Cold, 19-20/x2)
Full Attack: 2 Claws +14 melee (1d4+3 plus 2d6 Cold, 19-20/x2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Frost Claws, Punishment, Ice Shards, Beat-Up
Special Qualities: Spell-like Abilities, Nasty Plot
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +3
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 21
Feats: Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Improved Natural Attack (Claw), Improved Toughness
Environment: Any Cold
Organization: Solitary or group (4-8) or posse (1 Weavile + 3-10 Sneasels)
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: Standard.
Alignment: Usually Neutral
Advancement: 11-15 HD (Small), 16+ HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment:


Frost Claws: Weavile's claw attacks deal +2d6 Cold damage.

Punishment (Su): Weavile totally ignores any magical or supernatural defences such as magic Armour/Shield/Natural/Deflection bonuses to AC, Concealment, DR or the like. Additionally, Weavile's natural attacks deal bonus damage to anyone using magic items or benefiting from magical or supernatural effects in any way, shape or form. Each individual item, spell or effect causes an additional 1d4 (for effects with a CL less than 6), 1d6 (for all magic items, and for effects without caster levels), 1d8 (for effects with a CL of 6-10), 2d6 (for effects with a CL of 11-15) or 3d6 (for effects with a CL of 16 or more) damage to be delivered.

For instance, a level 11 Wizard is wearing a headband of intellect, a ring of protection and a cloak of resistance. He is Polymorphed into a dragon, Hasted, Displaced, Mage Armoured and Shielded, as well as having Bull's Strength. Weavile's attacks ignore the ring of deflection, the dragon's natural armour, the haste bonus to AC, the armour and shield bonuses from spells and the miss chance from Displacement. Additionally, they will deal 1d6 for each of the headband, ring and cloak, and 2d6 for each of the spells, for a total of +15d6 damage. The wizard explodes into a fine red mist and learns a lesson upon resurrection.

Ice Shards (Su): As an Immediate action, Weavile can suddenly flash-freeze the air and hurl a cloud of icy shards at an enemy. This requires a ranged attack out to 50' range, and deals Cold damage equal to 2d6 plus Weavile's hit dice. This attack automatically succeeds on any roll against miss chance.

Beat-Up (Ex): Weavile is good at encouraging the group-sport of "Everyone nail the bastard". Any time an adjacent enemy is struck, Weavile may make an attack against that enemy as an Immediate action. Additionally, as a full round action, Weavile may make a single attack against an adjacent foe, and also allow every other creature that can reach the foe to make an attack against it (as an Immediate action), if they so wish. Pokémon will even leap out of Pokéballs (then straight back in) to make this attack if the Pokéballs happen to be in reach.

Spell-like Abilities (Sp): At will: chill metal, numbing sphere, path of frost, ice storm, zone of glacial cold; 3/day: shivering touch, cone of cold, boreal wind, column of ice; 1/day: flesh to ice; 1/week: ice castle. Caster level equals hit dice, and the Save DCs are 10 + Spell Level + Weavile’s Charisma modifier.

The sample Weavile has a caster level of 10 and save DC of 15 + spell level.

Nasty Plot (Ex): As a Swift action, Weavile may plan ahead, and for the rest of the turn it gains Uncanny Dodge, Evasion and +3d6 Sneak Attack damage. Also, the save DCs for its spell-like abilities improve by 3 against flat-footed foes when Nasty Plot is in effect.

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AlignmentUsually Neutral +
AuthorSisterAcacia +
Challenge Rating10 +
EnvironmentAny Cold +
Identifier3.5e Monster +
Level Adjustment+
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeSmall +
SubtypeCold +
TitleWeavile +
TypeMagical Beast +