Talk:3.5e Feats

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Revision as of 02:26, 31 May 2010 by IGTN (talk | contribs) (Overflow)
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Could you create pages for the feats instead of deleting them?

I'm not sure how to create navigation pages.

The navigation pages are made automatically -- all people have to do is add their content and the stuff automatically gets put on navigation pages. Surgo 16:51, September 9, 2009 (UTC)
Any new feats that are in the User, 3.5e, and Feat categories will be added to this list automagically, though it may take up to 48 hours to be appear. - TarkisFlux 19:28, October 9, 2009 (UTC)

Updated Nav and Feat Properties

Updated the feat nav, and the columns there are the only properties I think we need to worry about adding for feats. Type covers a lot of ground and description and prereqs seem pretty standard. Prereqs will not be searchable until we get more of the semantic stuff going, but they will be in the future. I don't know if the feats are in any condition to have their properties botted, so if you feel like updating your creations please do so. I'll help with the technical bits if you need it. - TarkisFlux 19:28, October 9, 2009 (UTC)


Apparently there's a hard limit of 500 feats on the table. Feats after Shapechanger's Resilience alphabetically (right now; I'm sure it will change) aren't loaded into the table no matter how you choose to sort it.

How are we going to deal with this? I recommend that, instead of having one main table, we have a list of different feat types (probably with pages for all of them, or collections of related types; Combat, Skill, and tome scaling magic feats might go on one page, General, Epic, and Fighter feats on another, and so on), each with a table for all feats of that type. That should eliminate this problem for everything except the largest categories, like general, which at the very least will have the problem pushed back a bit. --IGTN 22:30, May 30, 2010 (UTC)

We hit 500 already? Ugh, this will need more thought. The "table per type" was a big failure on paleowiki, so I don't want to repeat that. Surgo 22:49, May 30, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah... Yay built in query limits. Some easyish solutions aside from "recode the mess":
  • We can drop the custom table formatting we're doing and use the semantic wiki built in table functions, color mismatch and all (unless we can get them to change the default colors on that for us). That still suffers from the same limit, but the "...further results" link on the bottom would be more visible and when you clicked on it your results wouldn't display in table formatting. So additional stuff is still hidden, but less so.
  • We can keep main table intact, but exclude specific types from it and push those into subpages. Tome feats might be a good candidate for exclussion, as might currently class specific feats (like the hivemaster stuff).
  • We can do a table per balance point, though I think it's a terrible idea and should not be taken seriously.
  • We can drop ask querries and move to DPLs, maybe. I'm not sure if they do all of the property listing that we have with queries or not actually.
That's all I gots right now. - TarkisFlux 02:14, May 31, 2010 (UTC)
I thought of table per balance point, too. It is hugely problematic. Having a Tome table and a class-specific table makes sense to me, though. By the by, I'm in chat right now, and there was some brief discussion of this in the chat earlier today. --IGTN 02:26, May 31, 2010 (UTC)