Oracle (Legend Track)
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See into the near future to fight better
Some are blessed, or perhaps cursed, with a second sight. Often found spouting mysterious prophesies, these individuals are able to pierce the veil of time, and reveal its secrets. Many go mad, unable to deal with what they find. Others are able to deal with the reality they find, and are hailed as Seers, sought out by those seeking wisdom. However, the far more common route is to self-limit their abilities. Instead of looking at the whole of time, they look at the immediate future. They see moments, not eons, and hence are able to keep their sanity. Many find it is a great edge in combat, assuming one can react to it appropriately. Alternate fluff: Some people are so smart, they can predict their enemies movements, and sometimes know what they will do before they know it themselves.
The KAM for this track is either wisdom or intelligence.
Track Abilities
1st Circle - True StrikeSU: As a swift action, you peer into the near future, and see your opponents movement. Armed with this knowledge,you can counter their defenses. The opponent must make a will save(DC 10+1/2 level+KAM) or be treated as flat footed to you for 1 round.
2nd Circle - Saw It ComingSU: Your insight into the future allows you to avoid blows easier. You gain a +1 deflection bonus to AC for every oracle circle you have.
3rd Circle - Knew It Before You DidSU: You add 1/2 your level on initiative checks.
4th Circle - Warning ShoutSU: As an immediate action, you can warn an ally of an impending attack, allowing them to dodge. Roll 1d20+level+KAM+1/circle of oracle you posses. This number replaces your allies Armor class, Fortitude, Reflex, or Will save, depending on defense threatened by the attack.
5th Circle - Rivers of FateSU: When you use your True Strike ability, it effects every enemy within [long] range, and you can share your insight with your allies, allowing them all to treat enemies who fail their save as [flat footed] for 1 round.
6th Circle - AnticipationSU: You are always able to act in a surprise [round].
7th Circle - Forced DestinySU: As a standard action, you can reveal the short-term destiny of a creature. It must make a will save(DC 10+1/2 level +KAM). If it fails, it must declare what actions it will take on its turn. If the action has a target, it must declare the target. If the action affects a given location, that location must be declared. It must now perform those actions on its turn, even if they no longer make sense. This knowledge allows people to react to those actions preemptively- moving out of AoEs, positioning themselves out of reach, focusing attention on the creature to kill it, whatever they deem fit to do with the knowledge.