Otherworldly Steed (One)

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This creature is conjured via the Find Steed spell.

Otherworldly Familiar (pointer) [1]
Large Celestial, Fey, or Fiend (Choose when Casting the Spell), Neutral
Armor Class: calculated (natural armor)
Hit Points: calculated
Speed: 60 ft., Fly 60 ft. (requires 4th-level spell or higher)
Senses: passive Perception 11
Languages: Telepathy 1 mile (only between you and the steed)
Challenge: ( xp)Proficiency Bonus (PB): equals your bonus


Life Bond.


Otherworldly Slam. Melee Spell Attack

Bonus Actions

Fey Step (Fey Only; Recharges after a Long Rest).

Fell Glare (Fiend Only; Recharges after a Long Rest).

Healing Touch (Celestial Only; Recharges after a Long Rest).

Sources and Notes

  1. Jeremy Crawford, WotC Development Team (29 June 2023). UA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 6. (Dungeons and Dragons One D&D) Wizards of the Coast. © Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause).

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AlignmentNeutral +
AuthorUA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 6 + and "Varied" +
Canonfalse +
FeaturesLife Bond +, Otherworldly Slam +, Fey Step +, Fell Glare + and Healing Touch +
Hit Pointscalculated +
PublicationUA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 6 + and "Varied" +
SizeLarge +
SortTextOtherworldly Steed One +
SummaryCelestial, Fey, or Fiend in the form of a mount conjured by the Find Steed spell. +
Unearthed Arcanatrue +