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Cradily (3.5e Monster)

388 bytes removed, 11:34, 31 July 2012
Reverted edits by SisterAcacia (talk) to last revision by Quantumboost
|adv=11-15 HD (Large), 16-20 HD (Huge)
This is a very bizarre looking plant, and a massive one as well. It seems to be an ancient creature that time forgot to wipe out, and looks omnivorous to boot.
'''{{Anchor|Improved Grab}} ([[Ex]]):''' If a vine attack hits, Cradily may start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If more than one vine hits, then every vine after the first grants a +2 bonus to grapple checks.
'''{{Anchor|Fast Healing}} ([[Su]]):''' Cradily has Fast Healing equal to its hit dice.
'''{{Anchor|Ancient Power}} ([[Su]]):''' Once per three roundsminute, Cradily can telekinetically launch up to 3 chunks of stone within 100 feet. These are launched as ranged attacks at separate targets, and, if at least as large as a Medium character, deal 6d6 10d6 damage each. Furthermore, upon activation, there is a 10% chance that Cradily gains will become stronger for 3 rounds, gaining a +1 Enhancement Bonus 4 bonus to Strength, a +6 bonus to Natural Armour and immunity to all Ability Scores for the next five minutes. Using this while the bonus negative conditions (it is still in effect improves the bonus only harmed by 1 (to a maximum of +6 total) and resets the duration - any Cradily of Intelligence 10 or more (including after using thisdamage) will figure out to throw random rocks around every minute or so just to keep the bonuses at the maximum.
'''{{Anchor|Confusion}} ([[Su]]):''' Cradily can, as a standard action at will, force one target within 30 feet to make a Will save (Wis-based) or become [[SRD:Confused|confused]] for one minute.
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