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''{{Anchor|Cloak of Shadow}} {{Su}}:'' When in this stance, the crow assassin become [[SRD:Invisibility (Spell)|''invisibility'']] (as the spell) for 1 round whenever she deliver a successful death attack or sneak attack.
''{{Anchor|Dark Ambusher}} {{Ex}}:'' When in this stance, any creature flanked by the crow assassin may treat any creature she flank as is flat-footed insteadagainst her.
''{{Anchor|Evil Eye}} {{Ex}}:'' When in this stance, the crow assassin can attack or otherwise act normally when observing a creature for a death attack, even if the creature can detect her or recognize her as an enemy. If the crow assassin possesses [[Improved Death Attack-CE (3.5e Feat)|Improved Death Attack-CE]] she can deliver her death attack even if her attack would not be a sneak attack, however in order to do so she must study her target an additional round.