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''{{Anchor|Wraith Assault}} {{Su}}:'' When the crow assassin make her death attack she can project a specter of herself up to 60 ft, effectively making an incorporeal touch attack at that range against her target instead of a normal attack.
'''{{Anchor|Evade Detection}}:''' A 6th level crow assassin is always under the effect of [[SRD:Nondetection|''nondetection'']] with a caster level equal to the number of ranks you have in the [[SRD:Hide Skill|Hide]] skillyour characetr level.
'''{{Anchor|Soulcatcher}} {{Su}}:''' Whenever a 8th level crow assassin kill a creature with her death attack she immediately seize it soul as per [[SRD:Soul Bind|''soul bind'']], she does need to carry the necessary material component but do not need it on hand. Additionally the black sapphire component involved in [[SRD:Soul Bind|''soul bind'']] does not shatter and can be used to trap the soul of multiple creature (it value must still be high enough to contain a creature).