User:Leziad/Shinobi, Rebuilt/Kuji-in Seal

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Kuji-In Seal

1st Level

Disrobing Strike

  • Action: Standard Action
  • Range: Melee Attack
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Effect: You make an attack against a flat-footed creature's armor, if it hit and deal at least 1 point of damage to the armor it sever an important strap and cause it to fall apart. The creature is allowed a Reflex save to catch it and negate the effect, otherwise the armor fall at it feet. A successful save cause the armor to be merely displaced, causing the same penalties as if it was donned hastily.
Augment: This kuji-in seal cannot be augmented.

Frog Leap

  • Action: Standard Action
  • Range: Personal
  • Duration: 1 Minute
  • Effect: You imbue your body with unnatural spring, this grant you your class level + 10 competence bonus on jump checks, allow you halves any falling damage, you are always treated as having a running start and your jump is not limited by your height. Once per round you may make a single jump check as a swift action, the distance of this jump is not limited by your land speed.
Augment: For each additional ki point placed into this seal, increase the duration by 1 minute.

Healing Art

  • Action: Standard Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: 1 Minute
  • Effect: You grant fast healing 1 to the target, a creature may only benefits of healing art a number of time per day equal to your class level.
Augment: For each additional ki point placed into this seal, increase the fast healing by 1 point.

Incredible Catch

  • Action: Immediate Action
  • Range: Personal
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Effect: The shinobi is able to catch herself in the middle of being bull rushed, falling or tripping. She make a DC 15 Balance check, if she succeed she move 5 feet and prevent any forced movement and do not fall prone. If a creature moved with (such as being in a bull rush) it still move it full distance. If she was falling she may immediately catch herself on a ledge, by planting her weapon into the wall or through a quickly rapped grappling hook, although she must climb back to her position on her own power.
Augment: If you place two additional ki points into this seal, it may be used as a free action usable outside of your turn.

Moon Hare Dash

  • Action: Swift Action
  • Range: Personal
  • Duration: 1 Round
  • Effect: You gain a +10 bonus to your land speed.
Augment: For each additional ki point placed into this seal, you may either increase the speed bonus by +10 ft or the duration by 1 round.

Ninja Vanish

  • Action: Swift Action
  • Range: Personal
  • Duration: 1 Round
  • Effect: You become invisible as the spell and your rendered completely silent as if affected by a personal silence spell. Once the invisibility is broken, so is the silence.
Augment: For each additional ki point placed into this seal increase the duration by 1 round.


  • Action: Move ACtion
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: 1 Round/Level
  • Effect: You produce a smoke bomb which produces a 10 foot cube of smoke similar to a fog cloud spell. At 4th level and every four levels beyond, the cube grows by +10 feet (20 ft cube, 30 foot cube, etc). The smoke lingers in the air for 5 rounds before dispersing. You can always choose to smoke a smaller area than your level allows.
Augment: If you place an additional ki point into this seal, it may be used as an immediate action.

2nd Level

Dancing Spider Stance

  • Action: Swift Action
  • Range: Personal
  • Duration: 1 Minute
  • Effect: You gain the benefits of spider climb.
Augment: For each additional ki points spent on this seal, increase the duration by 1 minute.

False Blow

  • Action: Move Action
  • Range: Melee Attack
  • Duration: 1 Round
  • Effect: Make a bluff check to feint the enemy and it is flat-footed for 1 round against your attacks instead of the normal result
Augment: If you spend an additional ki point on this seal, you may use it as a swift action instead.

Flash Step

  • Action: Standard Action
  • Range: 50 ft.
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Effect: You may teleport as per dimension door except with the range above. Unlike the spell, using this seal does not end your turn.
Augment: If you spend an additional ki point on this seal, you may use it as a move action instead and a swift action if you spend two.

Ki Breath

  • Action: Swift Action
  • Range: Personal
  • Duration: 1 Minute/Level
  • Effect: You use you ki to hold your breath, allowing you to be able to hold your breath for the duration without needing to make checks or risk suffocating, however you become unable to recover ki until you are next able to breath. This protect you against any poisonous gaseous effect.
Augment: If you spend two additional ki points on this seal, the duration become 1 hour/level instead.

Kitsune's Trickery

  • Action: Full-Round Action
  • Range: Personal
  • Duration: See Text
  • Effect: You gain the benefits of disguise self, which lasts until you change disguises or dismiss the effect. This is a result of clever use of makeup and minor facial positioning, and so is not detected by true seeing.
Augment: If you spend two additional ki points on this seal, you may initiate it as a swift action instead.

Muramasa Spirit

  • Action: Swift Action
  • Range: Personal
  • Duration: See Text
  • Effect: Before making a death attack, you focus your mind on the kill granting +2 to the DC of the death attack and an extra +1 point of damage per class level.
Augment: This kuji-in seal cannot be augmented.

Skin of the Chameleon

  • Action: Standard Action
  • Range: Personal
  • Duration: 1 Minute
  • Effect: You blend into the background you stand against, granting you concealment (20% miss chance). If you stand still, you become impossible to make out as if you were under the effect of invisibility.
Augment: For each additional ki points spent on this seal, increase the duration by 1 minute.

Where Was I?

  • Action: Standard Action
  • Range: Close
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Effect: You can trade positions with an ally or enemy within close range (Will negates). If you possess Kitsune's Trickery you may use it as an immediate action to appear as the target.
Augment: If you spend one additional ki point on this seal increase the range to medium.

3rd Level

Ears of the Bat

  • Action: Standard Action
  • Range: Personal
  • Duration: 1 Minute
  • Effect: You gain blindsight out to 30 feet for the duration.
Augment: For each additional ki point spent on this seal increase it duration by 1 round.

Exorcism Blade

  • Action: Swift Action
  • Range: Personal
  • Duration: 1 Minute
  • Effect: You make all your attacks ghost touch for the duration. You can end the duration early as part of an attack action, discharging the effect in the form of a dismissal spell.
Augment: For each additional ki point spent on this seal increase it duration by 1 minute.

Kamikaze Ghost

  • Action: 1 Round
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: 1 round/level or until discharged
  • Effect: You create up to two ghostly copies of yourself which explode on contact, they are somewhat sentient and share your personality and alignment but act as if they had half of your Intelligence score. You may command one or more ghost as a move action and each gain a full turn, although they may only attempt to move or touch the target. They possess a fly speed of 30 ft. with clumsy maneuverability.
The ghosts may make a touch attack a creature (using your own BAB + Wisdom modifier), if they hit they explode, dealing 3d6 damage + your Wisdom modifier on the initial target and on all adjacent creature as splash damage. The splash damage may be negated by a successful Reflex save. The ghost have an AC of 10 + your Wisdom modifier and explode immediately if they take any damage and if the striking creature was in melee with them they are not allowed a save. They otherwise do not count or behave as creature.
Once the duration expire all existing ghost vanish, if you summon more the ghosts from any previous iteration also vanish.
Augment: For each additional ki point you spend on this seal, you summon an additional ghost.

Spiritual Poison

  • Action: See Text
  • Range: See text
  • Duration: 1 Round
  • Effect: As part of an attack with a poisoned weapon you can use this ability. The poison now ignores poison immunity, although they gain a +4 bonus on their save.
Augment: For each additional ki point spent on this seal increase it duration by 1 round.


  • Action: Full-Round Action
  • Range: Personal
  • Duration: 1 Hour(D)
  • Effect: You use the Alternate Form ability to turn into any small or medium animal with 4 HDs or less. You are unable to use kuji-in seals while transformed. At 10th level you may turn into a large or tiny animal and the HD limit improved to your class level -4.
Augment: If you spend two additional ki points on this seal, may turn into a large or tiny animal and the HD limit improved to your class level -4.

Whispers in the Night

  • Action: Swift Action
  • Range: Personal
  • Duration: 1 Minute
  • Effect: You become invisible as per persistent invisibility. You are also rendered completely silent as if affected by a personal silence spell as long as you are invisible.
Augment: For each additional ki point spent on this seal increase it duration by 1 minute.

4th Level

Amnesia Dust

  • Action: Standard Action
  • Range: See Text
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Effect: You blow a mixed dust cloud of various drugs into the face of others. All creatures in a 15 foot cone must make a Will save or forget the last 5 minutes. If they are in the middle of combat, they are instead confused for 1d4 rounds as they try to remember what they were fighting for. Once someone has made a save against amnesia dust, they are immune for 24 hours after.
Augment: This kuiji-in seal cannot be augmented.

Crimson Moon Death

  • Action: Standard
  • Range: Melee Attack
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Effect: Make a single attack, this attack deals an additional 1d6 Constitution damage to any creature susceptible to critical hits. A Fortitude save halves the Constitution damage.
Augment: For each two additional ki points you spend on this seal, increase the Constitution by 1d6.

Reflective Arrangement

  • Action: Standard Action
  • Range: Personal
  • Duration: 1 Minute
  • Effect: You duplicate the effect of mirror image, but the copies can roam on their own away from you as long as they maintain within 30 feet of you. Every round, you can switch position in which copy is the real you, and which are duplicates as a swift action.
Augment: For each additional ki points you spend on this seal, increase the number of images by 1.

5th Level

Decoy Body

  • Action: Immediate Action
  • Range: Personal
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Effect: As part of initiating this seal make a 5 foot step to avoid an attack, leaving a suspicious wooden log in your place to take the blow. If a 5 foot step does not take you out of danger (such as with most area effect spells) the use is wasted.
Augment: For each additional ki point spent on this seal, increase the distance of your "5 foot step" by an additional 5 ft.

Shadow Walk

  • Action: Standard Action
  • Range: See Text
  • Duration: See text
  • Effect: This seal duplicate the effects of a shadow walk spell.
Augment: This kuji-in seal cannot be augmented.

Silent Takedown

  • Action: Standard Action
  • Range: Melee Attack
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Effect: You make a melee attack against a flatfooted opponent who is unaware of your presence you can perform a silent takedown. They must make a Fortitude save or immediately take nonlethal damage equal to their maximum hit points +1, falling unconscious silently without the sound of a falling body or scream. You can now move the body elsewhere while it remains unconscious. If they succeed on the save, they take no damage but are grappled and muffled, preventing speech but not soft noises. Subsequent rounds use typical grapple rules to maintain a grapple and other effects.
Augment: If you spend one additional ki point on this seal, you may initiate with a ranged attack.

Single Stroke Rush

  • Action: I Immediate Action
  • Range: See Text
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Effect: If an opponent charges you you can immediately charge them, moving up to your movement speed and passing by your opponent. You may make a charge attack to counter their charge attack; if your attack roll is higher then the attack against you (if any) is negated. They take damage from your charge attack as normal if you hit and are considered flat-footed against it.
Augment: For each additional ki point spent on this seal, you gain a +1 bonus on the charge attack bonus.

Telekinetic Pressure

  • Action: See Text
  • Range: Melee Attack
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Effect: As part of an attack action, you may use the Violent Thrust option of telekinesis on an attacked creature (Will negate]]). There is no weight limit, but anyone above the spell's normal weight limit has their movement quartered.
Augment: For each additional ki point spent on this seal, increase the weight limit by 100 lbs.

6th Level


  • Action: Standard Action
  • Range: Personal
  • Duration: Permanent(D)
  • Effect: As part of initiating this seal you slip into the spirit world as if using ethereal jaunt.
Augment: For each additional ki point you spend on this seal, you may bring along an additional creature. Except the duration for them is changed to 1 round/level but is suspended if they make physical contact with you.

Meditative Teleport

  • Action: 1 Round Action
  • Range: Personal
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Effect: You replicate the effect of the greater teleport spell (self only)
Augment: For each two additional ki points you spend on this seal, you may bring along an additional creature.

Perfect Shadow Illusion Technique

  • Action: Free Action (see text)
  • Range: Personal
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Effect: As a free action usable outside of your turn you may exclude yourself from any effect or attack which would be harmful to you, instead striking an illusion of you. If the attack or effect affect an area you are automatically moved outside of it. This can be done after you know the result and may even negate your own death. Once this kuji-in is used you take 2 point of Constitution Burn (if you are undead you instead take 2 point of Charisma Burn) and it cannot be used again for 5 rounds.
Augment: This kuji-in seal cannot be augmented.

Pinching Crab Block

  • Action:Immediate Action
  • Range: Personal
  • Duration: 1 Round
  • Effect: In order to use this kuji-in seal you must have at least one free hand, you can try and catch any incoming attacks against you. Make an opposed attack roll for each attacks made against you made during this seal's duration, if you exceed their roll their attack has been blocked. If they miss by 5 or more you may automatically make a disarm attempt against them.
Augment: For each additional ki point you spend on this seal, you increase the duration by 1 round.

Shadow Form

  • Action: Full-Round ACtion
  • Range: Personal
  • Duration: 1 Round/Level(D)
  • Effect: For the duration you are immune to any spell that respects spell resistance. You are immune to critical hits and reduce any form of incoming damage by 20. You can move around as if you were in gaseous form. You cannot attack, cannot cast spells, use spell-like abilities, or use spell-completion or spell-trigger items.
Augment: This kuji-in seal cannot be augmented.

Shadow Images

  • Action: Standard Action
  • Range: Medium
  • Duration: Concentration + 1 Round
  • Effect: You replicate the major image spell. The images are made from real shadow pulled from the Plane of Shadow, and as such are not mind-affecting figments and are not foiled by true seeing.
Augment: : For each additional ki point you spend on this seal, increase the duration by 2 rounds.