Canon talk:Planescape

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Should deity articles be included in Category:Planescape?[edit]

The Planescape campaign setting deals mainly with the Outer Planes, where most deities reside. The supplement On Hallowed Ground includes a list of very many deities from different settings. Should all deities mentioned somewhere in Planescape material be included in Category:Planescape? Or only those deities where Planescape provides significant additional material, like the description of the deities' realms? Or even all deities? Or only those deities described only in Planescape material? Daranios 18:27, 2 December 2011 (UTC)

I'm not sure actually. They're all there, certainly, but I don't know that they're really a core part of the setting. The list of deities that don't exist in planescape is equal to the list of deities from non-great wheel cosmology settings, and I don't know that a page listing all deities except those few is worth much. I'm somewhat inclined to suggest planescape is a setting without any proper deities at all actually, just write in a section on divinity in planescape on the main article, and then skip the divinity subpages entirely. - Tarkisflux Talk 05:49, 3 December 2011 (UTC)
In this case I would settle, however, for including those deities, where Planescape does add significant material that is not present somewhere else. This will mainly be descriptions of realms, and sometimes the deities' influence on the planes and the multiverse, as opposed to their role within their pantheons and their influence on their setting world or believers. What do you think? Daranios 08:18, 3 December 2011 (UTC)