Black Flame Zealot |
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The Order of the Black Flame is the hidden blade of their faith, a secret society of holy slayers devoted to the worship of a dark deity of fire and destruction. Trained in unholy rites, the black flame zealots use stealth, divine magic, and the zeal of fanaticism to destroy those who have given offense to their god. Even great rulers are not above the deity’s wrath, since the Order is a sanctioned and respected means for the wealthy and powerful to pursue vendettas.
Blighter |
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When a druid turns away from the land, the land turns away from her. Some ex-druids make peace with this change; others seek to restore the bond. A few, however, actually embrace their disconnection from nature and become forces of destruction. These few, called blighters, bring desolation wherever they tread.
Church Inquisitor |
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While many champions of good are dedicated to fighting forces of evil that are external to them and their church—as clerics and paladins of Heironeous are devoted to destroying followers of Hextor—the church inquisitor is at least as concerned about evil and corruption within. When greed eats away at a church hierarchy, when devils infiltrate a knightly order and seduce its leaders to evil, when high clerics succumb to evil enchantments and fall from the path of their deities, it is usually a church inquisitor who uncovers this kind of taint and cuts it away
Consecrated Harrier |
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The consecrated harrier acts as a bounty hunter for her religion or organization. Where church inquisitors hunt evil and corruption within a church and other champions of good fight external forces of evil in general, a consecrated harrier hunts blasphemers, heretics, and those who betray or attack the church directly. For instance, a consecrated harrier might accept a mission to track down and kill an ogre that defiled a shrine, or to bring a heretic before the heads of her church. The mission is always related to either a single, specific offense of blasphemy or defilement, or to the source of a heresy. The church assigns missions or targets as needed.
Contemplative |
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For any servant of a deity, no joy is greater than at those rare moments when the presence of her patron deity is a real, tangible force, sending shivers of power through her body and sending her soul soaring. For some, the taste of this experience is such a powerful attraction that they begin devoting their lives to cultivating it, hoping to attain greater closeness to their deity through a life of contemplation. Spending hours in prayer and meditation, these devoted followers purify their souls, making them worthy of closer contact with the divine. While some contemplatives withdraw from the world into private retreats, others remain active, even adventuring, finding that true nearness to their deity comes from living out the deity’s will in the world. In return, they find their minds, bodies, and souls purified, perfected, and finally brought close to union with their deity.
Divine Crusader |
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The divine crusader embodies devotion and dedication to a chosen deity. Even more than a cleric, the divine crusader serves as a symbol of a specific aspect of his deity’s portfolio, such as fire, good, knowledge, or war. They serve as elite godservants, carrying out the deity’s will and furthering the deity’s aims.
Divine Oracle |
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Some people call them mad, and certainly some divine oracles are driven insane by the visions they see. Some people doubt their words; indeed, some divine oracles are destined never to be believed. Wherever the deities are known to speak to mortals, some mortals hear their voices with a unique clarity and gain insight into the past, the present, and the future by virtue of their unusual status. Divine oracles are such mortals, blessed—or cursed—by visions from their deities.
Entropomancer |
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As spellcasters plumb the depths of divine power, some of the most advanced gain attunement to the great nothingness they say lies at the center of the universe. These students use this connection to develop strange powers, sacrificing some of their normal studies. Doing so retards their progress as spellcasters, but they see their new abilities as worth the cost.
Evangelist |
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Evangelists travel the world proclaiming their devotion to a particular deity, pantheon, or religious doctrine. They seek to convert others to their way of thinking and to spread their word throughout the land. All races and cultures have evangelists of one type or another. Most evangelists come from the charismatic laity of a culture. They do not possess the learning or perhaps temperament to be spellcasting clerics but have found other ways to proselytize. Those who worship deities often find themselves working in cooperation with clerics of the same faith while those who simply evangelize a particular belief—even one embraced by a deity or pantheon—can find themselves at odds with even those of their own alignment. An evangelist is often a leader and, in some ways, a loner. Even though his abilities strengthen his allies, he stands apart
Geomancer |
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The cleric reaches out to a higher power. The wizard trusts only in eldritch tomes. The druid looks to nature for her spells. To the geomancer, however, all magic is the same.
Holy Liberator |
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The holy liberator is a holy warrior, a distant cousin of the paladin, who is dedicated to overthrowing tyranny wherever it may be found. These champions of freedom and equality are strong-willed, independent-minded, and virtuous. They particularly direct their efforts against lawful evil societies (dictatorships or plutocracies), slaveholders and slave traders, and powerful, corrupt governments, but they also recognize the possibility for tyranny even in a state of anarchy (where strong individuals may impose their will on people weaker than they).
Hospitaler |
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Hospitalers are a fighting force of necessity, sworn to poverty, obedience, and the defense of those in their care. It is the duty of knights hospitaler to protect people traveling on religious pilgrimages. Over the years, this single duty has expanded to include the construction and administration of hospitals and refugee facilities.
Pious Templar |
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Sworn to the defense of a temple site, the pious templar is a holy warrior blessed by her deity with combat prowess and great endurance. She bears her deity’s favored weapon into battle and fights her deity’s enemies without question or hesitation. In addition to defending the temple itself, a pious templar may be charged with additional duties, including a campaign to attack foes on their own home ground
Radiant Servant of Pelor |
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Pelor teaches demonstrating the strength of good through charity and modesty. While it seems a contradiction, the point is that the truly strong don’t need to prove their power. Pelor urges his priests and their flocks to perform so many good acts that evil has no room to exist, but he acknowledges that there are times when evil must be defeated in direct confrontation. The radiant servants of Pelor put this dogma into living practice. As the name implies, the brothers and sisters of the radiant servants of Pelor are sworn to serve—to minister to the needs of Pelor’s followers and goodhearted people everywhere. While combating evil, particularly undead, is an important part of that service, it is by no means the only part. Radiant servants of Pelor are healers, counselors, sources
Rainbow Servant |
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Deep in the jungles lie magically hidden ziggurats where the winged serpents known as couatls teach their secrets to arcane spell casters eager to gain a measure of divine power. Those who have learned what the couatl temples have to offer are known as rainbow servants, because they agree to further the couatl’s agenda of virtue and hope no matter how far they stray from the jungle in exchange for the knowledge they’ve received.
Sacred Exorcist |
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Through elaborate rites that may include dancing, drumming, beating a possessed person on the soles of the feet, liberal use of holy water, or many other means, sacred exorcists hope to drive away the spiritual forces of evil, preventing them from causing harm to the bodies and souls of humanity. Sacred exorcists are serious about their work and very devoted to their religion. Not all of them are dour and grim, but most are. Their determination to combat the forces of evil in the world—along with their special ability to do so—more than makes up for their lack of humor.
Sacred Fist |
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Sacred fists are independent organizations found within many temples. Their ascetic members have turned their divine magic inward, bringing their bodies and wills into harmony.
Seeker of the Misty Isle |
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Millennia ago, a well-placed arrow from Corellon Larethian put out one of Gruumsh’s eye. But Gruumsh and Kurtulmak conspired to have their revenge on the deity of the elves. Using potent magic (and sacrificing thousands of orcs, kobolds, and captive elves), Gruumsh and Kurtulmak managed to whisk away one of the world’s most beautiful elven communities: the Misty Isle. Neither Corellon Larethian’s personal power nor the combined prowess of the elven nation’s diviners was able to glean so much as a hint about where Gruumsh and Kurtulmak have hidden the Misty Isle—only that the elves there yet survive, though they are trapped and cannot contact their brethren.
Shining Blade of Heironeous |
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Heironeous’s teachings focus on promoting good through the use of armed force. Those among Heironeous’s servants, both clerics and paladins, who aspire to become weapons in their deity’s unending war against evil hope one day to enter the shining blades. The shining blades of Heironeous is an order of knights dedicated to prowess in melee combat, which is achieved through prayer, devotion, and asceticism. Members of the shining blades have an austere and simple lifestyle, forsaking all worldly wealth and many earthly pleasures in their quest to become but a blade in the hand of Heironeous.
Stormlord |
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Most stormlords are clerics, druids, or cleric/sorcerers, although other class combinations, particularly those including fighter or even barbarian, are not unknown. Wizards have their own means of destroying things, and bards rarely can generate enough force with their spells to be considered worthy by the Destroyer.
Temple Raider of Olidammara |
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Olidammara’s worshipers don’t have many temples of their own, but some of them spend a great deal of time in the temples of other deities—robbing them of every valuable that’s even remotely portable. The temple raiders are an elite cadre of thieves who worship the Laughing Rogue and specialize in stealing valuables and secret lore from the temples of other deities. Few enterprises are as dangerous as breaking into a temple, so Olidammara grants limited spellcasting abilities to temple raiders in his service.
Ur-Priest |
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Ur-priests despise gods. However, a small number of them have learned to tap into divine power and use it for their own needs without praying to or worshiping a deity. Instead, each day they go into a trance and mentally steal the power that gods normally channel to devout clerics. Ur-priests are canny and cunning, never stealing too much power from any one deity, but instead metaphysically slip in, draw out the power they need for their spells, and slip out again. They learn to be resilient toward divine power and creative with the energies that they steal. The greatest ur-priest commands the level of power of the most powerful cleric, although she does not have the cleric’s variety of spellcasting options.
Void Disciple |
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Of all the elemental forces that make up the universe, the most powerful and the most diffi cult to control is the one that lies between and joins the others: void. Void disciples understand that everything in the world contains all the basic elements, held together by the least tangible essence. Void is like the silence between notes of music, giving rhythm and shape to the whole. To those who understand the relationship of void to all other things, and who have the innate ability to personally perceive that relationship, distance and form become inconsequential.
Warpriest |
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Warpriests are fierce, earthy clerics who pray for peace but prepare for war. Their strong wills, powerful personalities, and devotion to their deities make them fearsome combatants. Clerics make good warpriests; members of other classes need levels as a cleric before they can qualify as warpriests because of the domain requirements.