Dragonborn Abomination[edit]
Dragonborn Abomination -- Darkblade
Creatures of awesome and tyrannical strength-- representing the ordained nature of the dragonborn, while recklessly unleashing the power of the dragon within itself. Corrupted by Tiamat, they vow to do her bidding upon the lesser dragon-kind-- battling the greater wyrms with weapons of steel-like scales.
Dragonborn Greater Champion[edit]
Dragonborn Greater Champion Level 22 Elite Soldier
Huge Natural Humanoid XP 8,300
Initiative +18
Senses Perception +23; Low-light vision
Champion's Wrath aura 5; All allies within aura gain a +2 bonus to all attacks rolls.
HP 472; Bloodied 236
AC 40; Fortitude 33, Reflex 30, Will 29
Resist 15 (damage type of dragon served), Necrotic
Saving Throws +2 (+5 against charm & slowed)
Speed 8; fly 6 (clumsy)
Action Points 1
Dragonblade (standard; at-will) ♦ Necrotic, Weapon
+29 vs. AC; Reach 3; 2d6 +8 damage, plus 2d6 Necrotic damage
Ferocious Claw (standard; at-will) ♦ Necrotic
+29 vs. AC; Reach 3; 3d6 +8 Necrotic damage, and the target is marked until the end of the greater champion's next turn.
Challenge of Tiamat (standard; recharge ; at-will) ♦ Charm, Necrotic
+27 vs. Will; Ranged 10; 3d6 +8 Necrotic damage, and the target is weakened and gains vulnerable 15 damage (save ends both).
Might of Steel (standard; recharge when first bloodied) ♦ Necrotic, Weapon
+25 vs. Reflex; Close Burst 3; 4d8 +8 Necrotic damage, and the target is dazed and takes ongoing 10 damage (save ends both).
Spirit of Remorse (standard; recharge ; encounter) ♦ Necrotic
+25 vs. Fortitude; Close Burst 5; 4d10 +8 plus ongoing 10 Necrotic damage (save ends). First failed save: The target is stunned and takes ongoing 15 Necrotic damage (save ends both).
Dragonborn Frenzy
The greater champions gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls when bloodied, and scores a critical hit on a roll of 19/20 with its melee attacks.
Dragonborn Reflexes (immediate reaction, when missed by a melee or ranged attack; 1/round)
The greater champion shifts 2 squares and gains a +1 bonus to all defenses until the start of its next turn.
Staggering Critical (when the greater champion scores a critical hit)
The greater champion deals an additional 2d10 damage to the attack, and the target is knocked prone.
Unfettered Advantage (minor; encounter)
The greater champion gains a +2 bonus to all defenses and 20 temporary hit points until the start of its next turn. In addition, its opportunity attack threat range increases to 3 until the end of the encounter.
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Languages Common, Draconic
Skills Arcana +21; Athletics +24; Endurance +24; History +21; Intimidate +22; Perception +23
Str 27 (+19)
Dex 21 (+16)
Wis 24 (+18)
Con 26 (+19)
Int 20 (+16)
Cha 22 (+17)
Equipment Greatsword, Dragonhide armor, Gladiator's Gauntlet
Greater Champion Tactics[edit]
A bestial reminder of their unchanged past, the greater champion possesses some of the qualities of the normal champion with a few powerful attacks. Namely, its bloody reputation for dealing lots of damage to a small area and scoring brutal hits against their targets make them a fearsome creature even to the mightiest of fighters.
Dragonborn Darkblade[edit]
Dragonborn Darkblade Level 25 Elite Brute
Huge Natural Humanoid XP 14,000
Initiative +18
Senses Perception +23; Low-light vision
Aura of Brutality (Healing) aura 3; Whenever the darkblade scores a critical hit against an enemy, all enemies within the aura take half the damage the darkblade scored with its attack, and allies within gain hit points equal to half the damage scored.
HP 620; Bloodied 310
AC 37; Fortitude 35, Reflex 33, Will 30
Resist 15 (damage type of dragon served), Necrotic
Saving Throws +2 (+5 against charm, slowed & weakened)
Speed 8; fly 6 (clumsy); see also Power Charge
Action Points 1
Dragonblade (standard; at-will) ♦ Weapon
+30 vs. AC; Reach 3; 2d8 +9 damage, and the target is weakened until the start of the darkblade's next turn.
Engorging Bite (standard; at-will) ♦ Healing
+30 vs. AC; Reach 3; 3d8 +9 damage, plus ongoing 10 damage, and the target is restrained (until escape). Each time the target takes ongoing damage, the darkblade regains the same amount of damage. Each time the target fails its saving throw, the amount of hit points the darkblade regains increases by 5. The darkblade can only restrain one target at a time in this fashion, and can end the restraint as a free action-- the target continues to take ongoing 10 damage (save ends).
Crushing Jaws (free, when the restrained target becomes bloodied or falls to 0 or fewer hit points; at-will) ♦ Healing
If the target is bloodied, it takes an additional 3d10 damage, and the darkblade regains the same amount of damage dealt-- plus any ongoing damage the target took at the time. If the target falls to 0 or fewer hit points, make the following attack roll.
+28 vs. Fortitude; restrained target only; On a hit, the target is immediately killed and the darkblade regains a number of hit points equal to one-quarter its maximum hit point value. On a miss, the target takes 3d10 damage, and the dark blade regains that amount of damage-- plus any ongoing damage the target took at that time.
Invincible Will (standard; recharge , or when the darkblade kills a restrained creature; encounter) ♦ Fear
+26 vs. Will; Close Burst 5; 2d8 +9 damage, and the target shifts its speed away from the darkblade.
Devour Whole
When a darkblade kills, or otherwise, fells a creature by any other means other than Crushing Jaws, it can choose to devour the body whole without regaining any hit points.
Dragonborn Fury
The darkblade can make two melee basic attacks against one or two different creatures when it is bloodied. It also scores a critical hit on a roll of 18/20.
Inescapable Jaws (when the darkblade scores a critical on Engorging Bite)
The target takes a -10 penalty to checks made to escape the darkblade's restraint.
Power Charge
When the darkblade charges or bull rushes its target (whether on a hit or miss), it pushed the target 2 squares and knocks it prone.
Tainted Blood (minor) ♦ Poison
Only when the retrained target is bloodied or unconscious; When the darkblade has a creature restrained, that creature also takes ongoing 5 Poison damage (save ends). When the darkblade chooses to end the restraint, the target takes this ongoing damage until the end of the encounter (no save).
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Languages Common, Draconic
Skills Arcana +24; Athletics +26; Endurance +24; Insight +23; Intimidate +23; Perception +23
Str 28 (+21)
Dex 23 (+18)
Wis 23 (+18)
Con 25 (+19)
Int 24 (+19)
Cha 23 (+18)
Equipment Brutal Falchion, Scale Armor, Helm of Demise
Darkblade Tactics[edit]
The most brutal and bloodthirsty creature ever to exist. Its mere presence sends jolts of fear into their spines, as they helplessly watch this creature devour their allies one-by-one. Their brutal nature allows them to attack with staggering accuracy, and their rage increases as they become injured. The more they kill, the more they prosper.
Dragonborn Gloomshade[edit]
Dragonborn Gloomshade Level 26 Elite Lurker
Huge Natural Humanoid XP 18,000
Initiative +25
Senses Perception +26; Low-light vision
Cloak of Deception (Illusion) aura 10; Enemies within aura take a -2 penalty to ranged attack rolls against the gloomshade.
HP 424; Bloodied 212
AC 42; Fortitude 34, Reflex 35, Will 33
Resist 15 (damage type of dragon served), Necrotic
Saving Throws +2 (+5 against charm, immobilized & slowed)
Speed 9; fly 6 (clumsy); see also Stealth Sneak
Action Points 1
Dragonblade (standard; at-will) ♦ Weapon
+31 vs. AC; Reach 3; 2d8 +9 damage, or 4d8 +9 damage with combat advantage.
Bare Claw (standard; at-will) ♦ Necrotic
+31 vs. AC; Reach 3; 3d8 +9 Necrotic damage
Whirling Blade (standard; at-will) ♦ Weapon
+31 vs. AC; Reach 3 (each creature within reach); 3d8+9 damage, and the target cannot gain combat advantage against the gloomshade until the end of its next turn.
Cloud of Steel (standard; recharge ; encounter)
+27 vs. Reflex; Close Burst 5; 4d10 +9 damage, and the target is immobilized until the start of the gloomblade's next turn.
Veil of Shadows (standard; encounter) ♦ Illusion, Necrotic
+27 vs. Fortitude; Area Burst 4; 5d10 +9 Necrotic damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to all attacks and all squares are treated as difficult terrain (save ends). The gloomshade is concealed to all affected targets until they are no longer taking this effect.
Combat Advantage
The gloomblade gains a +2 bonus to melee attacks against creatures it has combat advantage against.
Dragonborn Parry
The gloomblade shifts 1 square after it hits with a melee attack when it becomes bloodied.
Dragonborn Reflexes (immediate reaction. when missed by a melee or ranged attack; 2/ round)
The gloomblade shifts half its speed and gains a +1 bonus to all defenses until the start of its next turn.
Reflexive Body (immediate reaction. it provokes an opportunity attack; 1/ round)
The gloomblade automatically denies the opportunity attack and can move or shift one more square.
Stealth Sneak (move)
Must have cover, concealment or combat advantage; The gloomshade can make a stealth check to move its normal speed, or to shift half its speed without being noticed.
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Languages Common, Draconic
Skills Arcana +25; Athletics +25; Endurance +25; Insight +26; Intimidate +25 Perception +26; Stealth +26
Str 25 (+20)
Dex 27 (+21)
Wis 26 (+21)
Con 25 (+20)
Int 24 (+20)
Cha 24 (+20)
Equipment Shadow Broadsword; Leather Padding, Boots of the Malevolent Stride
Gloomshade Tactics[edit]
Tactical monster that prefer the shadows, they are cunning killers-- waiting to ambush their prey with their sheer size and unnatural agility. Their large size doesn't hinder their ability to hunt like rogues, as they are specially trained in the way of stealth and quick attacks. They are mostly accompanied by a couple champions or a darkblade to exploit as a distraction.
Dragonborn Dark Sultan[edit]
Dragonborn Dark Sultan Level 29 Elite Controller (Leader)
Gargantuan Natural Humanoid XP 30,000
Initiative +21
Senses Perception +28; Darkvision
Aura of Deception (Charm, Illusion) aura 10; All enemies take a -1 penalty to attack rolls against the dark sultan or any of its allies. After it attacks, it makes basic attack roll versus Will against all enemies within the aura. On a hit, the target is weakened until they exit the aura.
Soulflaying Aura (Charm, Necrotic) aura 4; When the dark sultan becomes bloodied, all enemies within the aura at the end of its next turn take 2d10 Necrotic damage, or ongoing 15 Necrotic damage if they were hit before the end of its turn (save ends).
HP 584; Bloodied 292
AC 45; Fortitude 36, Reflex 34, Will 37
Resist 15 (damage type of dragon served), Necrotic
Saving Throws +2 (+5 against charm, slowed & stunned)
Speed 8; fly 6 (hover); see also Haunting Step
Action Points 1
Shadow Glaive (standard; at-will) ♦ Necrotic, Weapon
+34 vs. AC; Reach 4/5; 2d8 +10 damage, plus 2d10 Necrotic damage
Soul-Rending Claw (standard; at-will) ♦ Necrotic
+34 vs. AC; Reach 4; 3d8 +10 Necrotic damage, and the target is dazed until the start of the dark sultan's next turn.
Haunting Step (standard; recharge ; at-will) ♦ Necrotic, Teleportation
+33 vs. Fortitude; Ranged 12; 3d8 +10 Necrotic damage, and the Dark Sultan teleports its speed and gains cover until the start of its next turn.
Shadow Spiral (standard; recharge ; at-will) ♦ Necrotic, Weapon
The dark sultan makes a basic melee attack against each creature within reach (not including bonus reach). If it hits at least 1 creature, the dark sultan shifts 1 square; if it hits at least 3 creatures, it also gains concealment until the end of its next turn or until it attacks again.
Breath of Corruption (standard; recharge ; encounter) ♦ Charm, Necrotic
+31 vs. Fortitude; Close Blast 5; 4d10 +9 Necrotic damage, and the target is dazed and shifts 1 square away from the dark sultan as a free action (save ends). Aftereffect or Miss: The target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses (save ends).
Haunting Flames (standard; recharge when first bloodied; encounter) ♦ Fire, Necrotic
+31 vs. Fortitude; Area Burst 5 within 20; 5d10 +9 Necrotic damage. Secondary Attack: +31 vs. Will; all affected targets; the target is immobilized and takes ongoing 15 Fire damage (save ends both).
Dragon's Boon (minor; encounter)
The dark sultan gains a +2 bonus to all melee attack rolls and Breath of Corruption until the end of its next turn.
Dragonborn Fury
The dark sultan deals an extra 2d10 damage to all melee attack rolls when bloodied.
Killer's Mercy (immediate interrupt, when the dark sultan would be hit by an attack; 1/ round)
The dark sultan siphons the damage to the nearest ally.
Tiamat's Resurgence (minor; encounter) ♦ Healing
Close Burst 5; All allies within burst regains 25 hit points and gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of the dark sultan's next turn.
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Languages Common, Draconic, Deep Speech
Skills Arcana +27; Diplomacy +27; Endurance +27; Insight +28; Intimidate +27; Nature +27; Perception +28
Str 26 (+22)
Dex 24 (+21)
Wis 28 (+23)
Con 26 (+22)
Int 27 (+22)
Cha 26 (+22)
Equipment Soulspike Glaive, Haunted Dragonhide armor, Periapt of the Soul
Dark Sultan Tactics[edit]
The Dark Sultan is the shaman of the abominations and a critical threat to the dragon nation. This tyrannical beast is no ordinary shaman-- it uses the souls of others to fuel its rage and to grant its allies temporary boons of power. Most of the time, it uses these souls to harry their foes, causing them to lower their guard to be able to focus on the defensive.
Dragonborn Abomination Lore[edit]
A character knows the following information with a successful Nature check.
- DC 25: Tainted by the order of Tiamat and her laws, the dragonborn abominations are creatures of pure rage and bestial savagery. They are the barbarians of the natural and supernatural worlds-- tainting the minds of other dragon or dragon-like beings to follow the order of Tiamat and using some as personal slaves. When they get into combat, the abominations do not fear anything, and will do anything in their power to kill or force the intruders to retreat. Some like to kill and devour their fallen as a reminder to keep away from their trusted lands.
- DC 30: With the downfall of the High order, the abominations were created as the shock-troops to the Dragonborn armies. When the army was defeated, the abominations left to find sanctuary from war that had tainted their minds and caused them to become easily susceptible to corruption-- and that was why Tiamat was able to take hold of their numbers. She gave them a chance to redeem their worth, as a part of a dark army to sway the world to her side and to round up a larger army of dragons to strike fear into the very hearts of the mighty kingdoms.
Encounter Groups[edit]
Dragonborn abominations, for their namesake, are very powerful creatures. Encountering these beasts may result to death of a couple party members. It is best to fight these creatures at higher levels, but generally you want to keep an eye on them, lest they make a move you were not ready for.
Level 24 Encounter (XP 30,600)[edit]
- 2 Dragonborn Greater Champions (Level 22 Elite Soldiers)
- 1 Dragonborn Darkblade (Level 25 Elite Brute)
Level 24 Encounter (XP 35,300)[edit]
- 3 Dragonborn Champions (Level 26 Soldiers)
- 1 Dragonborn Greater Champion (Level 22 Elite Soldier)
Level 28 Encounter (XP 94,000)[edit]
- 2 Dragonborn Darkblade (Level 25 Elite Brutes)
- 2 Dragonborn Gloomshades (Level 26 Elite Lurkers)
- 1 Dragonborn Dark Sultan (Level 29 Elite Controller -- Leader)
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