Hazard (5e)

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 5th edition (2014) Varied 

[1] Hazards are mentioned in the SRD-OGL v5.1, but not defined. See:

End of the SRD5 material

Hazards are dangers that are from the environment or non-sentient creatures.[2] The Dungeon Master's Guide (5e) lists the following hazards as examples:

Dungeon Hazards[edit]

[3] Hazards are described as environmental damages.

Detecting Hazards[edit]

[3] Unless hidden, no ability check is needed to detect a hazard. Hazards that are hidden (naturally blend with the environment or appear to be something harmless) can be detected and identified with a Nature check. (see DMG5e for appropriate DC guidelines)

Hazard Severity[edit]

[3] When a GM determines how deadly a hazard should be included in an adventure, compare damage dealt by the hazard or how hard it is to overcome the resulting condition. (see DMG5e chapter 8)

List of Hazards[edit]

Brown Mold[edit]

[3] Brown mold is an inanimate ooze-like plant ( fungus) that absorbs heat from its surroundings. It typically covers a 10-foot diameter patch. A creature within 5 feet of it takes cold damage (Constitution save to reduce damage). The mold is immune to fire damage, and even spreads if subjected to it. Ironically, it can be destroyed by magical cold damage.

Green Slime[edit]

[3] Green slime is another inanimate ooze-like fungus (plant). It is bright green and moist. It is often found on walls or ceilings. Patches of green slime are usually about 5 feet in diameter. It does not have sight, but can detect creatures below it, and voluntarily fall on them (Dexterity save to avoid).

Contact with the slime causes acid damage to flesh and other organic material, as well as to metal. The slime continues to damage creatures and objects until it is scraped off or destroyed.

Green slime can be destroyed by sunlight; cold, fire, or radiant damage; or by magic that cures disease.

Rapture Weed[edit]

[4] Rapture weed is a plant that grows deep underwater, on shelves of trenches. Touching rapture weed causes the poisoned condition for a quarter of a day. Those poisoned often experience hallucinations and euphoria.

If consumed, it has a chance of causing the incapacitated condition (experiencing terrifying hallucinations) while poisoned. After recovering from being incapacitated, the ingesting creature must succeed on a Wisdom save or be afflicted with long-term madness.


[3] Webs are long, sticky treads woven by creatures (such as a giant spider), usually encountered (as a hazard) covering an area of ground or blocking a passage. Creatures that attempts to go through a webbed area must attempt a Dexterity save or become restrained. A restrained creature may attempt to free itself by succeeding on an Athletics or Acrobatics check.

A 10-foot cube of webs have the following characteristics: AC 10; 15 HP; vulnerability to fire damage; immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, and psychic damage.

Yellow Mold[edit]

[3] Yellow mold is another inanimate ooze-like fungus (plant). Typical patches have a 5-foot diameter. When touched it projects a cloud of spores in a 10-foot cube. Creatures that contact the cloud of spores take poison damage and become poisoned (Constitution save to avoid). If poisoned, a creature continues to take poison damage until it succeeds. Sunlight or fire damage will destroy a patch of yellow mold.


[5] Weather can also be a hazard.

Weather [5] 
d20 Temperature
1-14 Normal for the season
15-17 1d4 x 10 degrees Fahrenheit colder than normal
18- 20 1d4 x 10 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than normal
d20 Wind
1-12 None
13-17 Light
18-20 Strong
d20 Precipitation
1-12 None
13-17 Light rain or light snowfall
18-20 Heavy rain or heavy snowfall

Extreme Cold[edit]

[5] Cold below 0 degrees Fahrenheit for a period of time requires a Constitution save to avoid gaining a level of exhaustion. Wearing cold weather gear can negate the need for a save, and creatures with immunity to cold or adapted to cold climates automatically save.

Extreme Heat[edit]

[5] Heat above 100 degrees Fahrenheit for a period of time, without water to drink, requires a Constitution save to avoid gaining a level of exhaustion. The save get harder to succeed with continued exposure, armor (medium or heavy), or heavy clothing. Creatures immune to fire damage or adapted to hot climes automatically succeed the saves.

Strong Wind[edit]

[5] Strong with can cause a number of effects:

  • Higher difficulty on Ranged Weapon Attacks
  • More difficult Perception checks that rely on hearing.
  • May extinguish small fires and disperse fog or other clouds
  • Make it difficult to fly
  • If it picks up sand, dust, or debris cause difficulty on Perception checks that rely on sight.

Heavy Precipitation[edit]

[5] Heavy rain or snow creates areas that are lightly obscured. Heavy rain also extinguishes small fires and can cause Perception checks that rely on hearing to be more difficult.

High Altitude[edit]

[6] Above 10,000 feet, travel is more taxing (2:1 for determining how long one can travel).

Creatures can become acclimated to this after a month at this elevation, but not to heights of 20,000 or more. Although creatures native to such climes are acclimated.

Wilderness Hazards[edit]

[7] Wilderness hazzards also present dangers. Some are easy to spot (ex. slippery ice or razorvine), not requiring a check to spot. Others may require a Nature check to spot (see DMG5e chapter 8 for determining DCs).

Desecrated Ground[edit]

[7] Some areas are infused with evil or malevolence. In addition to the Nature check mentioned above, detect evil and good will certainly detect it. Undead on desecrated ground have advantage on saving throws. Holy Water can remove the desecration from a 10-radius area. The hallow spell can also remove desecration.

Frigid Water[edit]

[7] A creature can be immersed in frigid water for a time without harm dependent on its Constitution. After that time, it gains exhaustion (Constitution save to avoid). Creatures with resistance to cold damage and creatures adapted to it automatically suscceed.


[7] Quicksand is a mixture of sand and water that pulls heavy creatures and objects to its bottom. Typical patches of quicksand enclose a 10-foot-cubic volume. Creatures (or heavy objects) that enter quicksand immediately sink 2-5 feet into the quicksand. If not completely submerged, can make a Strength check to escape, as can another creature to pull a partially- or fully-submerged creature out. Otherwise a creature will continue to sink each turn. A creature completely submerged cannot breathe (see Suffocation).


[7] Razorvine is an inanimate plant that clings and climbs surfaces (much like ivy). A creature in contact with razorvine must succeed on a Dexterity save or take slashing damage from its blade-like thorns.

Slippery Ice[edit]

[7] Slippery ice is difficult terrain. Creatures on slippery ice must succeed on an Acrobatics check or fall prone.

Thin Ice[edit]

[7] Thin ice has a weight limit. If a creatures weight (including what they carry) exceeds this they fall through.

Sources and Notes[edit]

  1. Jump up SRD5:
  2. Jump up User description
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Wizards RPG Team (December 2014). Dungeon Master's Guide. (5e 2014) Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 978-0786965625. p. 105. Licensed: © Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause) (summarized).
  4. Jump up Mike Mearis (2019). Ghosts of Saltmarsh. (5e 2014) Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-1640-0. p. 126. (The Final Enemy (5e)) Licensed: © Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause) (summarized).
  5. Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 DMG5 p.109-110
  6. Jump up DMG5 p.110
  7. Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 DMG5e p.110-111

Template:5e Environment Breadcrumb

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Facts about "Hazard (5e)"
AuthorSRD5, DMG5e +
Canontrue +
PublicationSRD5, DMG5e +