Magi Chronicles RPG (4e Sourcebook)/Gaining Levels

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As with D&D, you gain experience with the creatures you fight and the encounters you pass through; with the more experience you gain, you also gain higher levels when you attain new levels, you also gain newer powers or unlock special powers when reaching certain levels, and other effects.

Similarly, all bonuses and effects covered in the 4e PHB are the same, except for a few key differences in certain areas-- as noted below.

Gaining Levels[edit]

Ability Scores, Level modifiers, Paragon and Epic levels, Hit Points, and Class Features are calculated the same way as explained in the PHB.


You gain specialization points to buy new specializations according to personal, weapon, or armor enhancements/ special abilities.

As you gain levels, the number of Specialization Points increases.

Personal Specialization Points: You start off with 2 PSP for personal specializations, and you gain 3 every two levels gained. Points leftover will carry on to the next level gained to buy more expensive specializations.
Weapon Specialization Points: You start off with 2 WSP for weapon specializations, and you gain 2 every two levels gained. Points leftover will carry on to the next level gained to buy more expensive specializations.
Armor Specialization Points: You start off with 1 ASP for armor specializations, and you gain 2 every two levels gained. Points leftover will carry on to the next level gained to buy more expensive specializations.

When you reach paragon level (Level 11), you gain an additional 3 PSP, WSP, and ASP. When you reach epic level (Level 21), you gain an additional 5 PSP and an additional 3 WSP and ASP.


Similar to the rules covered in the 4e PHB, you gain powers on many levels attained, and replace certain powers at higher levels. A few races might have a wider or narrower selection of powers to choose from, and a couple classes may even have more powers than others-- all classes gain powers in one form or another.


There comes a point when your character can't quite cross some hurdles due to poor choices in skills, specializations, and/or powers. In this case, you may consider retraining a skill specialization, or power when you gain a new level. The PHB follows many of the same rules for retraining class powers and skills.

Specializations: You can retrain a specialization when you gain a new level by taking one off from any of the lists. In this fashion, you can only take off 1 personal, 1 weapon, and 1 armor specialization per level gained. If you choose to just take off specializations from one section, you can take off two-- provided you have enough points to spend on the other specializations you choose to gain. When you take off specializations, you must gain the same number of specializations-- you cannot take off one specialization to get two of lesser values, or take off two to gain one of greater value.

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