Oath of Glory (5e24)

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Oath of Glory exists in other D&D editions see:

Oath of Glory (disambiguation).

 5th edition (2024) Pointer  + 

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Oath of Glory (pointer) [1]
Paladin subclass

Strive for the Heights of Heroism

Unofficial Description: These paladins embody courage, endurance, and setting an example of heroism.

These paladins share the following tenets:

  • Deeds.
  • Endurance of Hardship.
  • Inspire Glory.

Oath of Glory Features

Paladin Level Features  
3rd Inspiring Smite, Oath of Glory Spells, Peerless Athlete 
7th Aura of Alacrity 
15th Glorious Defense 
20th Living Legend


Inspiring Smite

3rd level Oath of Glory feature.
Unofficial Summary: When you cast Divine Smite, can use Channel Divinity to give you and/or your allies Temporary Hit Points

Oath of Glory Spells

3rd level Oath of Glory feature.
Unofficial Summary:' You always have certain spells prepared, they count as Paladin Spells for you:
Guiding Bolt, Heroism, Enhance Ability, Magic Weapon, Haste, Protection from Energy, Compulsion, Freedom of Movement, Legend Lore, Yolande’s Regal Presence 

Peerless Athlete

3rd level Oath of Glory feature.
Unofficial Summary: Use a Bonus Action and use of Channel Divinity to boost Strength (Athletics) and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks and Jump distance. 

Aura of Alacrity

7th level Oath of Glory feature.
Unofficial Summary: Boost Speed, and Aura of Protection boosts ally's Speed. 

Glorious Defense

15th level Oath of Glory feature.
Unofficial Summary: A number of times per Long Rest, in response to you or a nearby creature being hit by an Attack Roll, use a Reaction to buff AC possibly making the attack miss. If it misses, you can make an attack against the attacker as part of the reaction. 

Living Legend

20th level Oath of Glory feature.
Unofficial Summary: Once per Long Rest, use a Bonus Action to gain benefits for a period of time:

  • Charismatic. Buff Charisma checks.
  • Saving Throw Reroll. Use a Reaction to reroll failed saving throw.
  • Unerring Strike. One on your turn, choose to hit instead of miss an attack.

You can also recharge this ability by expending a 5th level spell slot. 5e24

Sources and Notes[edit]

  1. Wizards RPG Team (17 September 2024). Player's Handbook. (5e 2024) Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 9780786969821. p. 114-115. Licensed: © Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause).

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Facts about "Oath of Glory (5e24)"
AuthorPlayer's Handbook (5e24) +
Canontrue +
ClassPaladin +
FeaturesInspiring Smite +, Oath of Glory Spells +, Peerless Athlete +, Aura of Alacrity +, Glorious Defense + and Living Legend +
Pointertrue +
PublicationPlayer's Handbook (5e24) +
SortTextOath of Glory (5e24) 5e24 +
Subclasstrue +
Subclass NameOath of Glory +
SummaryThese paladins embody courage, endurance, and setting an example of heroism. +