Publication:Dread Codex/Magic Items/Undead Sensitive

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Undead Sensitive

The undead sensitive special ability may only be applied to weapons already enhanced with either the ghost touch or undead bane special abilities. Any time a wielder scores a critical hit against an undead creature, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 14). If it fails, then the creature takes an additional 1d10 points of positive energy damage. Undead sensitive weapons have also been enchanted to detect undead. If a weapon of this type comes within 60 feet of an undead creature, it appears to turn from clear crystal to shining white.

Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cure moderate wounds, detect undead; Price +2 bonus.

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Cost+2 bonus +
SummaryDamages undead creatures you critical, and changes color when near undead. +
TitleUndead Sensitive +