Shadow Blend (4e Power)

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Author: Hanzo187 (talk)
Date Created: Back in '08
Status: Finished
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Shadow Blend
Rat-Man Racial Power
You hide in the shadows more effectively than most.
No Action Personal
Trigger: You have concealment, total concealment, cover, or superior cover.
Effect: As long as you have cover or concealment, add 1 to the attack penalty (-3 for cover or concealment, -6 for superior cover or total concealment).
Special: Add 2 to the attack penalty at 21st level.

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Action TypeNo Action +
AuthorHanzo187 +
Identifier4e Power +
LevelNA +
RangePersonal +
RatingUndiscussed +
TitleShadow Blend +
TypeRat-Man Utility Racial Power +
UsageAt-Will +