Semantic search
Blink, Blur, Bones of the Earth, Book of Shadows, Booming Blade, Borrowed Knowledge, Burning Hands, Call Lightning, Calm Emotions, Catapult Spell, Catnap, Cause Fear, Ceremony, Chain Lightning, Chaos Bolt, Charm Monster, Charm Person, Chill Touch, Chromatic Orb, Circle of Death, Circle of Power, Clairvoyance, Cleric (One)/Spell, Clone, Cloud of Daggers, Cloudkill, Color Spray, Command, Commune, Commune with Nature, Compelled Duel, Comprehend Languages, Compulsion, Cone of Cold, Confusion, Conjure Animals, Conjure Barrage, Conjure Celestial, Conjure Elemental, Conjure Minor Elementals, Conjure Fey, Conjure Volley, Conjure Woodland Beings, Contact Other Plane, Contagion, Contingency, Continual Flame, Control Flames, Control Water, Control Weather