Page history
19 September 2012
4 February 2011
25 January 2010
semantics and unused cat
balance level - sorry Rith, it's still got too much utility for a fighter level class
16 January 2010
hmm, forgot about this. Oh well, if people are sweating over it I might as well
balance adjust per forum decision.
28 December 2009
25 December 2009
7 December 2009
6 December 2009
remove honking annoying balance assistance template, this is why I didn't want one in the first place
Protected "Time Bender (3.5e Class)": some edit wars, temporary until issues are resolved. ([edit=sysop] (expires 11:10, December 13, 2009 (UTC)) [move=sysop] (expires 11:10, December 13, 2009 (UTC)))
mno edit summary
Undo revision 41020 by Rithaniel. Please don't remove the templates others place. Some of the powers it has access to are powerful. And you take the maximum abilities of a class to gauge balance level
As you have been warned in the past, do not incite edit wars. Now, this class has to go out of it's way (wasting a feat) to get into Rogue level, making it figher level. Talk page for further issues.
Undo revision 41015 by Rithaniel (talk) "Without taking good spells, wizards aren't powerful at all" Fail argument
When, without feats, you aren't getting any 'save or die' powers till 9th level slots, then those slots don't matter, and don't help it much, any further questions should be directed to the talk page
Added balance assistance template
high power punches and DCs, but low power powers, and not many of them