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Weapon Savant (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

1,113 bytes added, 05:31, 13 December 2010
|date_created=February 24th, 2010
|isnotuser=I'm not a user

{{3.5e Alternate Class Feature
|name=Weapon Savant
|replaces=If you select this alternative class feature, you do not gain a fighter's normal proficiency with martial weapons.
|benefit=You gain profiency with one martial or exotic weapon of your choice, and you gain weapon focus with that weapon. You may change what weapon this is with an hour's worth of practice and meditation; when you do this, you may also change any number of other weapon-specific feats you have (such as Weapon Specialization, or even Melee Weapon Mastery) to focus on this weapon.

You reduce the nonproficiency penalty for using weapons you're not proficient with to -2. The penalty is lowered to -1 at 3rd level, and -0 at 5th, but you are still not considered proficient with the weapons (just in case it matters for feats or class features).

{{3.5e Alternate Class Features Breadcrumb}}

[[Category:Alternate Class Feature]]
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