|sq=[[#Aura of Primal Emotion|Aura of primal emotion (fear)]], [[#Camouflage|Camouflagecamouflage]], [[SRD:Darkvision|darkvision]] 60 ft., immunity to electricity and [[SRD:Poisons|poison]], [[#Oversized Arms|oversized arms]], resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and fire 10, [[SRD:Spell Resistance and Spell Immunity#Spell Resistance (Ex)|spell resistance]] 15, [[SRD:Telepathy|telepathy]] 100 ft.
|fort=+11 |ref=+8 |will=+8
|str=24|dex=19|con=20|int=13|wis=14 |cha=12
Bar-lgura are basically only particularly effective in melee, when their massive arms allow them to crush opposing targets. A bar-lgura always goes into battle with ''[[SRD:Air Walk|air walk]]'' and ''[[SRD:See Invisibility|see invisibility]]'' active.
'''{{Anchor|Aura of Primal Emotion}} ([[Ex]]):''' Bar-lgura project an aura of fear. The save DC for this aura is 13.
'''{{Anchor|Camouflage}} ([[Ex]]):''' A bar-lgura may use the Hide skill even while observed.