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I find this over powered. A 20th level barbarian can negate any magic aimed at him what so ever. He can defeat any melee fighter with a speed of 30ft because if he has spring attack with hit and run tactics. He can do an extra 10d6 damage. A 20th level half-ork can have up to 12d6+6 damage plus a stunning effect giving him time to get out of reach(imagine with Spring attack). If they can catch up he regenerates 20 a round. He is immune to criticals. 2 good saves that use constitution. The most optimized wizard can't harm him.-- [[User:Parakee|Parakee]] 00:40, 31 December 2010 (UTC)
:You're thinking the wrong way. You're thinking class vs. class. What you should keep in mind is what will be encountered on an adventure. At level 20, the party really is supposed to be able to take on four Old Red Dragons, or Four Balors, or four Pit Fiends...basically, four CR 20 challenges a day. Going by the as-written CR system. That's 'beat them handily'. Heck, by following the CR guidelines, a level 20 character should be able to solo a Cr 20 half the time by using all resources. I mean, obviously, different characters will be oriented at different things. The Barbarian's strength here is "Slugging it out one-on-one" Also, 12d6 + 6 damage? That's...an average of 48 damage an attack To give a quick check, an Old Red Dragon has 378 HP, can fly, has an AC the Barbarian won't be able to hit all the time. And its saves look like this: +23, +16, +21.
:You really need to look at the game at the higher levels. Saying this is overpowered because at level 20 proves nothing. At level 20, everything had better be pulling some craziness. In fact, I'd say this fits right in at level 20, where you have such fun as Gate and you have Gargantuan or Colossal creatures you are expected to fight toe-to-toe with. Take a gander over here: http://www.dnd-wiki.org/wiki/SRD:Creatures_by_CR
:As a final note, you haven't run into the Tome stuff that much, have you. Go to the 3.5 homebrew on the side, then Sourcebooks, and take a look at Tome of Necromancy, Tome of Fiends, Dungeonomicon, and Races of War. This barbarian is seriously palling around with [[Fighter, Tome (3.5e Class)|Fighter]] [[Monk, Tome (3.5e Class)|Monk]] and some other class rewrite to invite them to play the same game as everything else at high levels.--Genowhirl 01:56, 31 December 2010 (UTC)