|author_name=Sam Kay
}} </noincludeonlyinclude>{{4e Class Power
|keyword1keywords=Arachane|keyword2=, Weapon
|actiontype=Standard Action
|hit=2[B] + your spider's Dexterity modifier damage, and the target takes ongoing damage equal to 5 + your spider's Dexterity modifier damage, and the target takes ongoing damage equal to 5 + your spider's Constitution modifier and grants combat advantage to you (save ends).
|miss=Half damage, and no ongoing damage.
{{4e Powers Breadcrumb|1=Spider Rider}}<br/>Back to [[Main Page]] → [[4e Homebrew]] → [[4e Sourcebooks|Sourcebooks]] → [[{{Arachonomicon; the Book of Spiderkind (4e Sourcebook)|Arachonomicon; the Book of Spiderkind]] → [[Powers (Arachonomicon; the Book of Spiderkind Chapter)|Powers]].Power Breadcrumb}}[[categoryCategory:Arachonomicon; the Book of Spiderkind]] [[Category:4e]] [[Category:User]] [[Category:Power]] [[Category:4e Spider Rider Power]] [[Category:4e Level 9 Power]] [[Category:4e Daily Power]] [[Category:4e Attack Power]] [[Category:4e Arachane Power]]</noinclude>