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|summary= People of your profession generally know one or two extra spells that they have personally researched, you are like these people, except for the fact that you know more than one or two.
|prereqs= Advanced Learning 1st level in either Beguiler, Warmage or Eclectic LearningDread Necromancer.
|benefit= Whenever you gain the Advanced Learning or Eclectic Learning class feature you can learn two spells instead of just one, in addition , upon gaining this feat if you have the Advanced Learning class feature you may pick one more school of magic to choose a spell from, that relates somewhat to the normal magic schools that you learn from, however it must still come from the same spell list (sorcerer/wizard, cleric, bard etc).
|example= Rath Deathboom a 6th level Warmage takes this feat as his 6th level feat, he picks Abjuration as his extra magic school and picks ''dispel magic'' and ''darkness'', (for a bit of battlefield control) as his extra spells known.
|normal= You only gain one spell from the Advanced Learning or Eclectic Learning class feature.