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SRD:Energy Substitution

251 bytes removed, 22:43, 3 March 2011
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==<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Feat|name=Energy Substitution [|types=Metamagic]=== =|prereqs====Prerequisites===== Any other [[SRD:Metamagic Feats|metamagic feat]], [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] (arcana) 5 ranks. |benefit=====Benefit===== You choose one type of energy: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. When employing a spell with the [[SRD:Acid Effect|acid]], [[SRD:Cold Effect|cold]], [[SRD:Electricity Effect|electricity]], [[SRD:Fire Effect|fire]], or [[SRD:Sonic Effect|sonic]] designator, you can modify the spell to use your chosen type of energy instead. The altered spell uses a spell slot of the spell’s normal level.
The altered spell works normally in all respects except the type of damage dealt.
 =====Special===|special== You can gain this [[SRD:Feats|feat]] multiple times. Each time the [[SRD:Feats|feat]] applies to a different type of energy.}}</onlyinclude>
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[[Category:Metamagic Feat|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]]
[[Category:Acid Effect|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]]
[[Category:Electricity Effect|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]]
[[Category:Sonic Effect|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]]

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