Some abilities require concentration, and if that concentration is broken, they fail to work. There are a number of ways that a character could be distracted while attempting to use such abilitiescast a spell. If any of these occurs or is ongoing during Step 1, then a [[Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Concentration#Ignore Distraction|Concentration]] skill check must be made in Step 1d, or the spell fails. If the check fails the ability may simply be delayed by a round or the current activation attempt may fail entirely. The spell is not considered expended if it fails to do anything, but however. The skill used depends on the exact circumstance. Concentration checks are made immediately before the ability would resolve, or immediately becomes available againbefore the next round in the case of abilities that take one or more full rounds to activate. Endurance checks are made at the beginning of any round in which an ability might be activated or whose activation is ongoing.
→Distractions: updates
== Distractions ==
=== Entangled ===
'''Skill:''' [[Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Concentration#Ignore Distraction|Concentration]]<br>'''Check DC:''' 1520<br>
'''Special:''' This includes any nonmagical forms of entanglement, such as a net or bindings.
=== Violent Motion ===
'''Skill:''' [[Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Concentration#Ignore Distraction|Concentration]]<br>
'''Check DC:''' 20<br>
'''Special:''' This is only required if the motion is very vigorous or violent, such as riding on a rapidly-moving mount, in a small boat on rough water, or taking a very rough wagon ride. This can also apply to rough weather conditions of similar intensity.
=== Grappling ===
'''Skill:''' [[Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Concentration#Ignore Distraction|Concentration]]<br>
'''Check DC:''' Opponent's grapple check<br>
'''Special:''' You cannot provide any somatic components of a spell when grappling. If you need to provide somatic components, you should instead use a move action to attempt to slip the grapple with the [[Tome of Prowess (3.5e_Sourcebook)/Escape Artistry#Slip Grapple|Escape Artistry]] skill.
=== Distracting Ability ===
'''Skill:''' [[Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Concentration#Ignore Distraction|Concentration]]<br>'''Check DC:''' Ability's save DC + ability level (or half the class level at which it was gained, if it has no level)<br>'''Special:''' This should only be used if the ability spell is distracting, but does not deal damage. If the ability spell deals damage, use the appropriate injury entry instead. === Immediate Injury === '''Skill:''' [[Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Concentration#Ignore Distraction|Concentration]]<br>'''Check DC:''' 15 + 1 per four points of damage taken from immediate sources while you were trying to use your ability this round<br>'''Special:''' Damage from continuous sources is not added to the check DC, as those are covered by a separate ability.
=== Continuous Injury or Damaging Environment ===
'''Skill:''' [[Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Endurance#Suck It Up|Endurance]]<br>'''Check DC:''' 10 15 + the cumulative total 1 per four points of damage taken during from continuous sources while you were trying to use your ability this round; the cumulative damage total resets each round at the beginning of your turn<br>'''Special:''' If you are taking continuous damage Damage from an ability, half of the damage instantaneous sources is considered not added to be dealt on your turn with the balance being applied over the rest of the round. Thuscheck DC, if you as those are using an covered by a separate ability with an action cost of less than 1 full round, you only add half of your continuous damage result to your injury check DC. If the action cost is 1 full round or longer, you add the full damage to your check DC.
== Combining Abilities ==