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Prince of Blades (3.5e Equipment)

630 bytes added, 04:55, 22 March 2011
1st Ritual (Spark of Awakening)
'''Intelligence:''' The blade awakens as an intelligent weapon with the following statistics.
Prince of Blades, Lawful Neutral Greatsword +1, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 12, Ego 4, 60 ft. vision and hearing, empathy. It speaks Common and one extra language. Grants the user [[dwarf|dwarven stability]] when held. This stacks with the racial dwarven stability.
The Prince of Blades is interested in the promotion of construct-kind and the advancement of science and technology. He is disinterested but not hostile to organic life, and dislikes druids and their clinging to the world of nature, seeing technology as the natural progression of evolution. He dislikes attacking intelligent constructs but does understand that not all constructs have the best interest of the race in mind. And naturally mindless constructs have no say. He claims to have once been owned by the Lord of Blades, but the rumor is unconfirmed. He found him "very persuasive, though also bitter and spiteful".
''Pre-Requisites:'' BAB +3, must deal 15 points of electrical damage to the blade (even though it is immune), or have had 30 points of electrical damage dealt to yourself.

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