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When first created the catapult is automatically loaded with a shot and may be fired immediately, otherwise firing is a standard action. The catapult will automatically reload itself after 2 rounds on its own, but you or allies can take a standard action to reduce the time by 1 round each. If you use ammunition other than the one created by this power, the loading times and methods of operation, including the end result, operate under the rules of this power and not normal catapults.
You can move the catapult mentally as long as you remain in range of the power (Close). It is a standard action to move it, and ; the catapult grows ectoplasmic legs and can move up to 30 ft a round. If attacked directly, the catapult has 10 hp per manifester level and hardness 5, and AC 3.
'''Augment:''' For every additional power point you spend, this power’s damage increases by one die (d6). For each extra two dice of damage, this power’s save DC increases by 1.