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User:Leziad/Holomaester (3.5e Class)

17 bytes added, 19:06, 29 May 2011
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'''{{Anchor|Perfect Hologram}} {{Su}}:''' A 5th level holomancer may use [[SRD:Silent Image|silent image]] at will as a supernatural ability as a swift action.
'''{{Anchor| Recharge Shield}} {{Su}}:''' Once per encounter (or once per minutes out of combat) as a move action a 5th level holomancer may redirect power from her holotech to her shield. Her shield come back online if previously destroyed and regain 2 hit points/holomancer level. At 10th level the technomancer may use this ability twice per encounter and at 15th three times per encounter.
'''{{Anchor|Holo Mine}} {{Su}}:''' A 6th level holomancer know how to create wicked holo-mines, she can conjure 1 holo-mines/ level within short range in unoccupied squares. The holo-mines are small sized and are overing about 5 ft. above the ground. The mine slowly drift away from the holomancer at a rate of 5 ft. per level. When an holo-mine is dealt damages or come in contact with something harder than heavy fog, it explode in an orb of pure energy, dealing 5d4 damages to every creatures and object within 10 feet (possibly causing more holo-mines to explode) without saves of any kind. A techomancer can direct every mines with a move action, moving each mines in a 10 ft. line in the direction she choose. An holo-mine only has a limited lifespan and explode automatically after 5 rounds. A holomancer can make her mines vanish or detonated them all with a standard action.

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