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Mug of Endless Coffee (3.5e Equipment)

131 bytes removed, 23:42, 11 August 2011
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The geyser effect causes considerable back pressure, requiring the holder to make a DC 12 Strength check to avoid being knocked down. The force of the geyser deals 1d4 points of damage but can only affect one target per round. Hot coffee (as is typically produced) deals an additional 1d4 points of fire damage, but does not catch anything on fire. The command word must be spoken to stop it.
You can drink If you conjure a strong cup of caffinated coffee. When you can drink caffeinated coffeeit, you gain a +4 bonus on saves against sleep effects for 1 hour. If you drink two cups in and enjoy the same hour, you become ''benefits associated with [[SRD:HasteCoffee (3.5e Equipment)|hastedcoffee]]'' for 1 minute, and then fatigued. Drinking is typically a standard action.
Prerequisites: [[SRD:Craft Wondrous Item|Craft Wondrous Item]], ''[[SRD:Control Water|control water]]'', ''[[SRD:Prestidigitation|prestidigitation]]''.<br />

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