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Pyromaniac (3.5e Class)

11 bytes added, 06:27, 15 August 2011
Class Features
'''{{Anchor|Ignitions}}:''' The pyromaniac recieves several spell-like abilities identical in nature to the warlock's<sup>CA</sup> invocations. He may use these ignitions at will, though he must still pay any relavent gold and experience costs and they are affected by arcane spell failure in medium and heavy armor and with shields. Ignitions do not provoke attacks of opportunity. Ignitions come in three types: shapes which alter the shape and spread of his firebolt class feature, essences which augment his firebolt feature with a rider effect, and ignitions which duplicate spells or have other, sometimes longstanding effects.
At 1st level, he can select one ignition known, and an additional ignition at 2nd and every odd level. At first he may only select from least ignitions. At level 7 you may select from least or lesser ignitions. At level 13 you may select from least, lesser, or greater ignitions. Finally at level 19th and beyond, you may select from least, lesser, greater, or final ignitions. At every even level, you may choose to switch out one of your ignitions known for another, so long as the ignition swapped is the same or lower level ignition as the original. You may only swap out one ignition at each even level. Any saving throws are [[Charisma]] based. Essences which force a save against an effect only need one save each round, regardless how many times you hit. Pyromaniacs choose their ignitions from the following list.
Least&mdash;''beguiling influence''<sup>CA</sup>, ''breath of the night''<sup>CA</sup> (as smoke), ''[[Burning Knuckle (3.5e Invocation)|burning knuckle]]'', ''eldritch glaive''<sup>DM</sup>, ''eldritch spear''<sup>CA</sup>, ''endure exposure''<sup>DM</sup> (allies immune to firebolt instead), ''entropic warding''<sup>CA</sup>, ''[[Eternal Flame (3.5e Invocation)|eternal flame]]'', ''hammer blast''<sup>CM</sup>, ''hideous blow''<sup>CA</sup>, ''leaps and bounds''<sup>CA</sup>, ''magic insight''<sup>DM</sup>, ''miasmic cloud''<sup>CA</sup> (as smoke), ''scalding gust''<sup>DM</sup>, ''sickening blast''<sup>CA</sup>, ''[[Smoke Blast (3.5e Invocation)|smoke blast]]''

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