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Rapid Throw (4e Power)

1,022 bytes removed, 14:03, 17 September 2011
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<onlyinclude>{{4e Power
|name=Rapid throw<!--The name of the power-->
|type=Attack<!--The type of this power (Utility, Attack, etc.).-->|level=11<!--The level of this power-->|usage=At-Will<!--At-Will, Encounter, or Daily-->|flavor=You get mad that your enemy still stands and you see the opportunity for some extra throws to end his life.<!--The flavor text for this power-->|keywords=Martial,wepon<!--Keywords for this power, each one separated by ", ". -->Weapon|actiontype=Immediate reaction<!--Immediate Reaction, Immediate Interrupt, etc.-->|trigger=You score a critical hit against an enemy and he dont die.<!--The trigger for the power. Delete if it isn't used.-->|range=Ranges<!--Ranged, Close Burst, Melee, etc.-->|rangemod=As much as i need to reach the triggering enemy.<!--The range in squares this attack has. Delete if this attack does not have a range.-->|prerequisite=The joker must have at least 3 light projectiles.<!--Prerequisites to use this attack. Delete if it isn't used.-->|requirement=The joker can't be wielding a wepon, just any weapon that are not light projectiles.<!--Requirements to use this attack. Delete if it isn't used.-->|target=The triggering enemy.<!--Primary target for the power. Delete if it isn't used.-->|attack=<!--Attack stat against the primary target. Delete if it isn't used.-->|attackextra=Dex|defense=Dexterity vs. AC.<!--Defense stat for the primary target. Delete if it isn't used.-->|hit=3[w]+ dexterity modifierdamage.<!--What to do when the primary attack hits.-->|miss=1[w]+dexterity modifierdamage.|buildoption=|buildinfo=|special=<!--placing a number before the "=" controls the position-->|weapon=<!--placing a number before the "=" controls the position-->

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