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Fast Reaction (4e Power)

1,078 bytes added, 14:27, 17 September 2011
Created page with "{{Author |author_name=Ashe |date_created=17/09/2011 |status=Complete }} <onlyinclude>{{4e Power |name=Fast Reaction |class=Joker |type=Utility |level=12 |usage=Encounter |flavor..."

<onlyinclude>{{4e Power
|name=Fast Reaction
|flavor=You see that explosion coming, you decide to make it explode a bit earlier.
|keywords=Martial, Weapon
|actiontype=Immediate Interrupt
|trigger=An enemy makes a ranged explosion attack.
|prerequisite=The joker must have at least one light projectile.
|requirement=The joker cant be wielding any weapon that isn't a light projectile.
|effect=You can change the center of the explosion, but it still need to hit you. Any targets that are in the new area suffer the attack of the explosion, even if it is one ally of the enemy that made the explosion or that enemy.
|sustain=You recover the power of using this power once more in this encounter, this sustain can only be used 3 times per encounter, this can be only done in your turn and only in your next turn.
|sustainaction=Standard Action

{{4e Powers Breadcrumb|Joker}}


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