→Racial Traits
* {{Property Link|Racial Ability Adjustments|SRD:Constitution|+2 Constitution}}, {{Property Link|Racial Ability Adjustments|SRD:Wisdom|+2 Wisdom}}, {{Property Link|Racial Ability Adjustments|SRD:Charisma|-4 Charisma}}: Hybrid vigor and the inherent closeness to nature of both parent races make the aristrakh tough and aware, but their feral souls and unsettling blend of features makes them less then a welcome sight to most races.
* [[Type::Humanoid]] ([[Subtype::Elf]]), ([[Subtype::Orc]]): <!-- fluff about type and subtypes -->
* {{Racial Size|Medium|aristrakh}}
* Aristrakh [[SRD:Base Land Speed|base land speed]] is 30 feet.
* {{3.5e Darkvision|60}}
* {{3.5e Low-Light Vision}}
* '''Savage Body ''' {{Ex}}: An aristrakh may substitute its Constitution in place of its Charisma for the purpose of Intimidate checks.* '''Savage Mind ''' {{Ex}}: An aristrakh may enter a rage, once per day, as a 1st-level barbarian. If the aristrakh gains access to rage as a class feature, this ability instead becomes an extra granted use of that class feature per day.* '''Savage Soul ''' {{Ex}}: An aristrakh receives a +2 bonus to saves against spells and spell-like abilities.* '''Racial Skills ''' {{Ex}}: An aristrakh gains a +2 bonus to Listen, Spot and Survival, and a +2 bonus to Intimidate against creatures which are not fey, elemental, or magical beasts.
* [[SRD:Automatic Languages|Automatic Languages]]: Elven and Orc.
* [[SRD:Bonus Languages|Bonus Languages]]: Common, Draconic, Gnoll, Goblin, Sylvan, and Abyssal.