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Zergling (4e Monster)

340 bytes added, 01:57, 21 October 2011
halfway done. I shall return.
== Zergling ==
[[Image:Zergling.jpg|thumb|Even the least of the Zerg are terrible foes.]]
Zerglings form the most numerous of the zerg strains; their simple DNA allows two zerglings to be spawned from a single larva. The larvae get the genetic information from the "primordial ooze" of spawning pools. As the smallest zerg strain apart from the larvae and unstable broodlings, zerglings are one meter tall and possess webbed feet. Further mutations may be made to zergling DNA, frequently altering their physiology through a metabolic boost to increase their reflexes and rate of movement and enhancement of their adrenal glands to alter their hormonal balance, inducing a battle frenzy.
[[Image:Zergling.jpg|thumb|Even the least of the Zerg are terrible foes.]]
{{4e Creature Top
{{4e Creature Bar MM3|action=Standard}}{{4e Creature PowerMM3
|recharge=At-Will|effect=''Attack:'' '''Melee 1''' (one creature); +7 vs. AC; <br />''Hit:'' 2d6 + 2 damage. If the target is adjacent to at least 2 allied zerglings, it is also slowed until the end of its next turn. If it was already slowed, it is instead imobilized by this attack.
{{4e Creature Bar MM3|title=Traits}}{{4e Creature PowerMM3
|effect=The zergling deals an extra 1d6 damage on a hit, when charging.
{{4e Creature Bottom|alignment=Unaligned|languages=--MM3
|skills=Athletics +7, Stealth +9
===Zergling Tactics===
|senses=Perception +6, darkvision
|aura1=Swarm Attack
|aurarange1=1|auraeffect1=the zergling horde makes a basic attack as a free action against each enemy that begins its turn in the aura.
{{4e Creature Bar MM3|title=Traits}}{{4e Creature PowerMM3|type=[[file:Aura.png]]|name=Swarm Attack|keywords=|recharge=|effect=The zergling horde makes a basic attack as a free action against each enemy that begins its turn in the aura.}}{{4e Creature Power MM3|type=|name=Engulfing Swarm|keywords=|recharge=|effect=The zergling horde may move into an enemy's space (provoking attacks as normal). The horde gains combat advantage and deals an additional 2 damage with attacks against enemies entirely within its space.}}{{4e Creature Bar MM3|action=Standard}}{{4e Creature Power MM3
|name=Swarm of Claws
|recharge=At-Will|effect=''Attack:'' '''Melee 1''' (one creature); +14 vs. AC; <br />''Hit:'' 2d6 + 5 damage.
{{4e Creature Power
|effect=+12 vs. Fortitude; the target takes ongoing 5 damage and is imobilized (save ends). If at any time the target is no longer in the swarm's space, this effect ends.<br />''Special:'' The horde may make this attack only against creatures entirely within its space that were hit by ''swarm of claws'' since the end of the horde's last turn.
{{4e Creature Power
|effect=The zergling horde digs a shallow hole and hides within. It recieves concealment and may make Stealth checks to avoid notice. Moving or attacking ends this effect.
{{4e Creature Power
|name=Engulfing Swarm
|effect=The zergling horde may move into an enemy's space (provoking attacks as normal). It gains combat advantage and deals an additional 2 damage with attacks against enemies entirely within the horde's space. The horde may use its ''weight of numbers'' only against engulfed creatures that were hit by ''swarm of claws'' since the end of the horde's last turn.
{{4e Creature Bottom

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