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! Skills:
| Balance 4 ranks, Sense Motive 4 ranks.
! Feats:
! Level || Special
| 11th|| class="left" | Defensive Grapple, Heavy Lifter, Icon of the Luchador, Unarmed Progression
| 12th|| class="left" | Bonus Feat
'''{{Anchor|Unarmed Progression}}:''' Luchadors recieve the unarmed progression of a [[monk]] of their class level. This stacks with effective monk levels for determining the value of one's unarmed strike damage. In addition, all of the luchador's natural weapons are considered magic weapons.
'''{{Anchor|Uncanny Dodge}} {{Ex}}:''' <A luchador must remain nimble, even in a grapple. He retains his [[SRD:Dexterity|Dexterity]] bonus to [[SRD:AC|AC]] (if any) even if he is caught [[SRD:Flat-Footed|flat-footed]] or struck by an [[SRD:Invisible|invisible]] attacker. However, he still loses his [[SRD:Dexterity|Dexterity]] bonus to [[SRD:AC|AC]] if immobilized. If a luchador already has uncanny dodge from a different [[SRD:Class|class feature game rule information]], including any differences in the class feature at epic levels->he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.
'''{{Anchor|Pummel}} {{Ex}}:''' At 2nd level, a luchador can release a flurry of blows on any creature he successfully grapples. As a full-attack action the luchador makes a grapple check to maintain the grapple, and then makes a full attack without penalty with any unarmed strikes or natural weapons the luchador possesses.
'''{{Anchor|Judo Toss}} {{Ex}}:''' At 3rd level, a luchador can use the momentum and weight of an enemy against them. Whenever the luchador is charged the luchador can take an immediate action, making an opposed grapple check. If successful, the charge is canceled and the charging creature is thrown and lands prone up to 5 feet away for every 5 points your grapple exceeds their (minimum 5 feet). They take the same amount of damage they would have dealt on the charge had it been successful. If the charging creature had more than one attack on a charge it only takes damage for the first attack.
'''{{Anchor|Improved Uncanny Dodge}} {{Ex}}:''' At 3rd level, a luchadorcan no longer be flanked. This defense denies a [[SRD:Rogue|rogue]] the ability to sneak attack the luchador by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more [[SRD:Rogue|rogue]] levels than the target has luchador levels. If a character already has uncanny dodge (see above) from a second [[SRD:Class|class]], the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the [[SRD:Classes|classes]] that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum level a [[SRD:Rogue|rogue]] must be to flank the character. For the purposes of this particular improved uncanny dodge, levels in [[monk]] counts as a class which grants uncanny dodge for the purpose of determining the level a rogue must be to flank the luchador.
'''{{Anchor|Piledriver}} {{Ex}}:''' At 4th level, a luchador can take a grappled creature, flip them upsidedown, and slam them headfirst into the ground. When grappling a creature they can take a standard action to make a grapple check. If successful they deal their normal unarmed strike damage plus 1d6 points of damage per HD. Using this maneuver frees the creature from the grappleand expels them into the nearest square, but leaves them prone.
'''{{Anchor|Stable Lifter}} {{Ex}}:''' At 4th level, a luchador is able to withstand blows which would knock down trees. They gain the stability trait of [[SRD:Dwarf|dwarves]] (which stacks with the dwarven racial feature) and count as a quadraped quadruped for the purposes of carrying capacity.
'''{{Anchor|Body Lock}} {{Ex}}:''' At 5th level, a luchador can strike at pressure points to leave a creature in paralysis. Any time a luchador might make a pin, they can attempt a body lock instead. If successful, the creature is paralyzed for 1 round/level. This does not function on creatures immune to critical hits.
'''{{Anchor|Chokehold}} {{Ex}}:''' At 6th level, a luchador can attempt to choke the life out of a creature and render them unconcious. Whenever pinning a creature successfully for 3 rounds, the creature much make a [[Fortitude]] save, DC 10 + 1/2 HD + [[Strength]], or fall unconcious due to lack of air. Creatures which do not breath are immune to this ability.
'''{{Anchor|Multigrapple}} {{Ex}}:''' At 6th level, a luchador can grapple more than one creature at a time. For each limb capable of grasping weapons and items, the luchador can grapple a seperate creature. For more humanoid creatures with two hands, that means the luchador can grapple two people at once, provided he has enough attack actions to spare. Special maneuvers granted by this class, such as piledrivers, still function against only one creature at a time, regardless however many creatures are currently grappled.
'''{{Anchor|Pain Grasp}} {{Ex}}:''' At 7th level, a luchador's grip can induce intense pain to force the enemy to submit. When in a grapple the luchador can use a standard action to make a grapple roll to maintain the grapple. If successful, the target takes a -4 penalty on attack rolls, AC, and saving throws for as long as they remain grappled. Creatures immune to pain (typically constructs and undead) are immune to this ability.
'''{{Anchor|Limb Breaker}} {{Ex}}:''' At 8th level, a luchador can snap the bones of those he has managed to pin down, mauling them permenantly. When pinning a creature the luchador can take a standard action to maintain the pin. If successful, the creature must make a [[Fortitude]] save DC 10 + 1/2 + HD or have an arm, leg, tail, or wing broken. If an arm or tail is broken, that arm can no longer be used in combat which may limit the creature's attack options. If a leg is broken, the creature's speed cut in half (or reduced to 5 feet and crawling if all legs are broken). If a wing is broken, fly speeds are cut in half (or rendered impossible if all wings are broken). The broken bone remains broken until subject to a ''[[SRD:Regenerate|regenerate]]'' spell, or healed naturally over the course of of 1d6 weeks with the long term care option of the Heal skill. Creatures which regenerate fix broken bones in the same time it takes to regrow body parts.
'''{{Anchor|Unmoveable Lifter}} {{Ex}}:''' At 8th level, a luchadorproves impossible to budge, a mountain of mass capable of weathering the angry fists of gods. As a move action the luchador can lock themselves in place, becoming impossible to move by any means and being unable to be tripped, bull rushed, or any other forced movement. They cannot move while in this stance, and may toggle it off as another move action. The luchador must be on solid ground in order to use this ability.
'''{{Anchor|Improved Multigrapple}} {{Ex}}:''' At 9th level, a luchadormanages the impossible and learns to grapple with any body part, item, or other extension as if it were their entire body. A luchador can grapple as many creatures fit inside his reach. For a medium luchador with 5 foot reach, that means they can grapple up to 8 medium or small creatures at the same time. No one is quite sure how he manages to keep them all tied up at one time, but he only needs to make a single grapple check to maintain the grapple on each creature in his grasp. Special maneuvers granted by this class, such as piledrivers, still function against only one creature at a time, regardless however many creatures are currently grappled.
'''{{Anchor|Spinning Piledriver}} {{Ex}}:''' At 9th level, a luchador's piledriver becomes even stronger. It deals 2d6 points of extra damage per HD, and the luchador can make a running jump check as part of it, moving the appropriate distance as part of the attack (and dragging the victim with him, to be slammed into the ground).
'''{{Anchor|Neck Snap}} {{Ex}}:''' At 10th level, a luchador '''{{Anchor|Bonus Feats}}:''' <can end the life of creatures he has successfully pinned. If the luchador has a creature pinned, they may make take a full- any bonus feats gained in pre-epic levels->round action which provokes attacks of opportunity to make a grapple check to maintain the pin. If successful, the creature much make a [[Fortitude]] save DC 10 + 1/2 + [[Strength]] or die as its spine is broken. On a successful save, the creature still takes normal unarmed damage. Creatures without a skeletal structure are immune to this ability..
The epic Luchador gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic Luchador feats) at 22nd and every 3 levels after.
''Epic Luchador Bonus Feat List:'' <-list of bonus epic feats->[[SRD:Armor Skin|Armor Skin]], [[SRD:Damage Reduction (Feat)|Damage Reduction]], [[SRD:Devastating Critical|Devastating Critical]], [[SRD:Dire Charge|Dire Charge]], [[SRD:Energy Resistance (Feat)|Energy Resistance]], [[SRD:Epic Endurance|Epic Endurance]], [[SRD:Epic Fortitude|Epic Fortitude]], [[SRD:Epic Prowess|Epic Prowess]], [[SRD:Epic Reputation|Epic Reputation]], [[SRD:Epic Skill Focus|Epic Skill Focus]], [[SRD:Epic Toughness|Epic Toughness]], [[SRD:Exceptional Deflection|Exceptional Deflection]], [[SRD:SRD:Fast Healing (Feat)|Fast Healing]], [[SRD:Great Charisma|Great Charisma]], [[SRD:Great Constitution|Great Constitution]], [[SRD:Great Dexterity|Great Dexterity]], [[SRD:Great Intelligence|Great Intelligence]], [[SRD:Great Strength|Great Strength]], [[SRD:Great Wisdom|Great Wisdom]], [[SRD:Improved Combat Reflexes|Improved Combat Reflexes]], [[SRD:Improved Stunning Fist|Improved Stunning Fist]], [[SRD:Infinite Deflection|Infinite Deflection]], [[SRD:Keen Strike|Keen Strike]], [[SRD:Legendary Leaper|Legendary Leaper]], [[SRD:Legendary Wrestler|Legendary Wrestler]], [[SRD:Penetrate Damage Reduction|Penetrate Damage Reduction]], [[SRD:Perfect Health|Perfect Health]], [[SRD:Reflect Arrows|Reflect Arrows]], [[SRD:Shattering Strike|Shattering Strike]], [[SRD:Spellcasting Harrier|Spellcasting Harrier]], [[SRD:Superior Initiative|Superior Initiative]], and [[SRD:Vorpal Strike|Vorpal Strike]].
===Campaign Information===