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Animated Weapon (3.5e Template)

1,385 bytes added, 22:38, 23 January 2012
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==== Size and Type ====
Base weapon becomes a creature of the <span style="display:none">[[Type::Construct]]</span>[[SRD:Construct Type|Construct]] type. If An animated weapon's size is always considered two categories smaller than the size of creature that it is made for, regardless of whether the base weapon is fit for a light, one-handed or two-handed. [[SRD:Medium SizeOne-Handed Weapon|MediumOne-handed]] creature, its size is and [[SRD:Diminutive SizeTwo-Handed Weapon|Diminutivetwo-handed]] if the weapon is weapons made for [[SRD:Light WeaponMedium Size|lightMedium]], creatures are considered [[SRD:Tiny Size|Tiny]] if the weapon is , and [[SRD:One-Handed Light Weapon|one-handedlight]], or weapons made for [[SRD:Small Medium Size|SmallMedium]] if the weapon is creatures are considered [[SRD:Two-Handed WeaponDiminutive Size|Two-HandedDiminutive]]. If the base weapon is intended made for larger or smaller creatures, add or subtract the appropriate number of size categories from these sizes, to a minimum of [[SRD:Fine Size|Fine]] or to a maximum of [[SRD:Colossal Huge Size|ColossalHuge]].
An animated weapon gains the [[SRD:Base Attack Bonus|base attack]] and [[SRD:Saving Throw|base save]] progressions of a [[SRD:Construct Type|construct]]. An animated weapon gains a bonus to all [[SRD:Saving Throw|saving throws]] equal to its magical [[SRD:Enhancement Bonus|enhancement bonus]] (if any). An animated weapon has no skills or feats except if the base weapon unless it is an [[SRD:Intelligent Items|intelligent item]].
==== Hit Dice ====
An animated weapon has a number of [[SRD:Hit Dice|Hit Dice]] depending on its quality and the magical [[SRD:Enhancement Bonus|enhancement bonus]] it has (if any), as follows: {|class="zebra d20" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"|+ style="text-align: right;" |<div style="float: left;">{{Anchor|Table: Animated Weapons}}</div>|-! class="left" |Quality! class="left" |[[SRD:Hit Dice|Hit Dice]]<sup>1</sup> (per [[SRD:Hit Points|hit points]]<sup>2</sup>)! class="left" |Base [[SRD:Strength|Str]]/[[SRD:Dexterity|Dext]]|- {{#vardefineTable:odd|0}}|- |class="left" |Mundane, normal ||class="left" |2d10 (11 hp) ||class="left" ||- |class="left" |Mundane, [[SRD:Masterwork Weapons|mwk]] ||class="left" |3d10 (16 hp) ||class="left" ||- |class="left" |[[SRD:Magic Animated WeaponStatistics|Magical]], +1 ||class="left" |5d10+5 (32 hp) ||class="left" ||- |class="left" |[[SRDTable:Magic Animated Weapon|MagicalStatistics]], +2 ||class="left" |8d10+16 (60 hp) ||class="left" ||-|class="left" |[[SRD:Magic Weapon|Magical]], +3 ||class="left" |11d10+33 (93 hp) ||class="left" ||- |class="left" |[[SRD:Magic Weapon|Magical]], +4 ||class="left" |14d10+56 (133 hp) ||class="left" ||-|class="left" |[[SRD:Magic Weapon|Magical]], +5 ||class="left" |17d10+85 (178 hp) ||class="left" ||- |class="left" |[[SRD:Magic Weapon|Magical]], +6 ||class="left" |20d10+120 (230 hp) ||class="left" ||-|class="foot" colspan="3" | # Does not include bonus [[SRD:Hit Points|hit points]] due to size, if any.# A [[SRD:Magic Weapon|magic weapon]] gains additional [[SRD:Hit Points|hit points]] per [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]] equal to its [[SRD:Enhancement Bonus|enhancement bonus]]|}
==== Speed ====
<!-- Does the base creature's An animated weapon has a [[SRD:Fly|fly]] speed change? Does it gain or lose any movement modes? -->(in feet) of 40 + ten times its magical [[SRD:Enhancement Bonus|enhancement bonus]], with perfect maneuverability.
==== Armor Class ====
<!-- Changes An animated weapon has a [[SRD:Natural Armor|natural armor]] bonus to [[SRD:Armor Class|AC ]] equal to its [[SRD:Hardness|hardness]] - 5 (not including ones due minimum +0), and a [[SRD:Deflection Bonus|deflection]] bonus equal to size change and/or Dexterity changeits magical [[SRD:Enhancement Bonus|enhancement bonus]] (if any) -->.
==== Attack ====
<!-- Does An animated weapon performs attacks like a weapon of its type does in the hands of a creature proficient in its use. The base creature retain damage of an attack by an animated weapon is equal to the base damage of the ability to use base weapon. The attacks of an animated weapon are treated as attacks made with a manufactured weapons? Does it gain weapon. Attacks by an animated weapon are considered magical (if the base weapon has an [[SRD:Enhancement Bonus|enhancement bonus]] of at least +1) or lose any natural weapons? -->[[SRD:Epic Weapon|epic]] (if the base weapon has an [[SRD:Enhancement Bonus|enhancement bonus]] of +6). If the base weapon is made out of a material with special properties that bypass specific forms of [[SRD:Damage Reduction|damage reduction]], such as [[SRD:Adamantine|adamantine]], [[SRD:Alchemical Silver|alchemical silver]] or [[SRD:Cold Iron|cold iron]], the animated weapon is also considered to have that quality.
==== Full Attack ====
+[[Level Adjustment::<!-- Template's level adjustment. -->]]
{|class="zebra d20" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"
|+ style="text-align: right;" |<div style="float: left;">{{Anchor|Table: Animated Weapon Statistics}}</div>
! class="left" |Quality
! class="left" |[[SRD:Hit Dice|Hit Dice]]<sup>1</sup> ([[SRD:Hit Points|hit points]]<sup>2</sup>)
! class="left" |Base [[SRD:Strength|Str]]/[[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]]
|- {{#vardefine:odd|0}}
|class="left" |Mundane, normal ||class="left" |1d10 (5 hp) ||class="left" | 10
|class="left" |Mundane, [[SRD:Masterwork Weapons|mwk]] ||class="left" |3d10 (16 hp) ||class="left" | 12
|class="left" |[[SRD:Magic Weapon|Magical]], +1 ||class="left" |5d10+5 (32 hp) ||class="left" | 14
|class="left" |[[SRD:Magic Weapon|Magical]], +2 ||class="left" |8d10+16 (60 hp) ||class="left" | 16
|class="left" |[[SRD:Magic Weapon|Magical]], +3 ||class="left" |11d10+33 (93 hp) ||class="left" | 18
|class="left" |[[SRD:Magic Weapon|Magical]], +4 ||class="left" |14d10+56 (133 hp) ||class="left" | 20
|class="left" |[[SRD:Magic Weapon|Magical]], +5 ||class="left" |17d10+85 (178 hp) ||class="left" | 22
|class="left" |[[SRD:Magic Weapon|Magical]], +6 ||class="left" |20d10+120 (230 hp) ||class="left" | 24
|class="foot" colspan="3" |
# Does not include bonus [[SRD:Hit Points|hit points]] due to size, if any.
# A [[SRD:Magic Weapon|magic weapon]] gains additional [[SRD:Hit Points|hit points]] per [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]] equal to its [[SRD:Enhancement Bonus|enhancement bonus]].

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