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Animated Weapon (3.5e Template)

214 bytes added, 00:16, 24 January 2012
Special Qualities
*[[SRD:Blindsight|Blindsight]] out to 30 feet, plus an additional 30 feet for every 2 points of magical [[SRD:Enhancement Bonus|enhancement bonus]] the base weapon has.
*[[SRD:Damage Reduction|Damage reduction]]/- equal to twice its magical [[SRD:Enhancement Bonus|enhancement bonus]] plus half the [[SRD:Hardness|hardness]] of its base material.
*[[SRD:Spell Resistance and Spell Immunity#Spell Resistance|Spell resistance]] equal to its [[SRD:Hit Dice|Hit Dice]] plus its [[SRD:Enhancement Bonus|enhancement bonus]] (if magical). Animated mundane weapons have no spell resistance. Animated weapons with an enhancement bonus of +6 or higher are instead [[SRD:Spell Resistance and Spell Immunity#Spell Immunity|immune]] to spells that allow spell resistance.*[[SRD:Resistance to Energy|Resistance]] to all energy types equal to 5 plus 5 times its magical [[SRD:Enhancement Bonus|enhancement bonus]] (5 if mundane or [[SRD:Masterwork Weapons|masterwork]], 10 at +1, 15 at +2, etc.). Animated weapons with an enhancement bonus of +6 or more higher instead have complete immunity to all energy types.
==== Abilities ====

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