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Zen Warrior (3.5e Feat)

29 bytes added, 23:13, 3 May 2012
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|editing=Please Discuss discuss before Edittingediting.
|summary=Zen warriors uses wisdom and inner spirit to enhance their fighting.
|bab0=You may use your Wisdom Modifier instead of your Strength modifier for calculating your melee attack bonus.
|bab1=You may use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Strength modifier for calculating your melee damage.|bab6=Inner Peace- You may use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Strength modifier for any opposide opposed roll in combat (such as trip, disarm, bull rush...)|bab11=KI strike- You can with As a standart standard action , you may make a single melee attack a against an opponent up to +30ft outside of your normal melee threat range with a melee attack.|bab16=Spirit touch- Your melee attacks are now touch attacks.

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