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Simplified Races (3.5e Variant Rule)

3 bytes removed, 02:47, 22 May 2012
:*All of your equipment drops to the ground where you were standing.
:*You lose all supernatural abilities as well as your shapeshift utility power, except for the ability turn back into your normal form.
:Utility Ability - Shapeshift: By concentrating for three rounds you may mold your features to a different form, allowing you to make minor adjustments to yourself by making a [[SRD:Disguise|disguise]] check (though no disguise kit is required). This functions as the [[SRD:Disguise_Self|disguise self]] spell, except that it is an extraordinary ability that does not provoke a Will save if interacted with. True Seeing and similar spells reveal the true form of the doppelgangermercurian.
==== Orc ====

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