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Simplified Races (3.5e Variant Rule)

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==== Mercurian ====
:Combat Ability - Combat Arm: You may change one of your limbs (usually an arm) into a weapon. Mechanically, this works as though you used [[SRD:Call_Weaponry|call weaponry]] (summoning a light or one-handed simple or melee weapon with which you are proficient of your size) and immediately using [[SRD:Graft_Weapon|graft weapon]] on it. You still gain the competence bonus to damage when using this, though not to attack. The duration of this is permanent, and activating it is a supernatural ability. You may end the duration, turning your arm to normal and making the weapon disappear with another standard action.
:Passive Ability - Fluid Form: You can change your shape to become thin and wriggly, allowing you to move through the smallest of spaces as a move action. Using this duplicates [[SRD:Gaseous_FormEctoplasmic_Form|gaseous ectoplasmic form]] except for the following exceptions:
:*You are treated as though you were [[SRD:Size#Big_and_Little_Creatures_in_Combat|tiny]] for the purpose of hiding and occupying space.
:*You can run, but cannot fly.
:*You may attack physically, but only with a single slam attack (1d6 damage for medium creatures).
:*You gain a +30 20 bonus to Escape Artist checks and can move through a hole as small as 1/2" in diameter.
:*You may enter water and are not affected by normal winds.
:*You do not get a bonus to hide in mist and cannot be mistaken for mist.
:*Your base speed increases by 10' for mundane movement (not burrowing or flying).
:*All of your equipment and items you were holding drops to the ground where you were standing.
:*You lose all supernatural abilities as well as your shapeshift utility power, except for the ability turn back into your normal form.
:Utility Ability - Shapeshift: By concentrating for three rounds you may mold your features to a different form, allowing you to make minor adjustments to yourself by making a [[SRD:Disguise|disguise]] check (though no disguise kit is required). This functions as the [[SRD:Disguise_Self|disguise self]] spell, except that it is an extraordinary ability that does not provoke a Will save if interacted with. True Seeing and similar spells reveal the true form of the mercurian.

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