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Phantasmal Wings (3.5e Feat)

46 bytes removed, 21:39, 28 May 2012
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<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Feat
|name=Phantasmal Wings
|types=General|summary=Your Wings wings become Phantasmalphantasmal, granting various benefits.|prereqs=Wings, Fly-Speedspeed|fluff=Your wings still look the same, however, they take an ethereal appearancebecome transparent and insubstantial, usually with a magic circle at the base of them.|benefit=Your Wings are now ethereal, wings become insubstantial and can no longer require sufficient space to operate anywhere. In addition, your flight speed doubles and your maneuverability increases to twice your base speed with perfect maneuverability. Lastly, and you are under an gain the benefits of a permanent [[SRD:Entropic Shield|''entropic shield '']] effect.|normal=Your wings are physical, and need space to operate, and your flight speed and maneuverability are determined by how you got your wings.

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