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Talk:Awakened Chocobo (3.5e Race)

2,281 bytes added, 23:57, 23 July 2012
A Beef With This Poultry
:I am interested in images. Do tell. -- [[User:Eiji-kun|Eiji-kun]] 08:27, 23 July 2012 (UTC)
::Most of my chocobo exposure does indeed come from Final Fantasy Tactics, where they obediently served as mounts when allied, or posed a surprisingly scary threat when they attacked in large concerted groups, raining down meteors and healing their fellows. None of that feels like chicken behavior to me. As for the feet thing, they have two forward pointing toes and one backwards pointing toe on each foot. As far as I'm aware, it's always been like this, though backwards (with backward legs) in [ the weird concept art]. Perhaps the article there at the [ FFWikia] will provide some useful material and insight for elaboration.
::As for the natural attacks thing, it baffles me why you'd want something intentionally beyond the scope of LA 0 races that's designed to become useless at higher levels (well, at least less-useful since they can't be enchanted or be made out of awesome stuff like adamantine). That just seems mean. Let's make a comparison for fun then. Chip is an average (10s all around except that 15 Dex for his feat) 1st level human fighter with [[SRD:Two-Weapon Fighting (Feat)|two-weapon fighting]] using a longsword and a shortsword. Chocolate is his 1st level chocobo fighter buddy with [[SRD:Multiattack|multiattack]]. They otherwise have the same stuff other than what their races demand are different. When Chip makes a full attack, he adds -1 and -1 (+1 BAB, -2 TWF) for his two attacks (1d8, 1d6). When Chocolate makes a full attack, he adds 0, -2 and -2 (+1 BAB, -1 Size then -2 MWF) for his bit and two claws (1d8, 1d6, 1d6). Without getting more complicated, there's already a disparity. If Chocolate gains any ability to wield a weapon (or lethal-damage unarmed attack), that's another attack he can make on top of the three he starts with. It seems like you're thinking that you can't use natural attacks and weapon attacks in the same Full Attack action (natural attacks just get booted down to "secondary" status, so it would be something like 0, -2, -2, -2).
::I'm gonna pull out that image later and prep it up, got some other wiki image stuff to work on anyhow. --[[User:Ganteka Future|Ganteka Future]] 23:57, 23 July 2012 (UTC)

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