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Femme Fatale (3.5e Feat)

11 bytes removed, 07:20, 27 July 2012
Made changes. Dunno if it still VH now.
* '''1 HD''': A femme fatal gains a +4 bonus to all [[SRD:Charisma|charisma]]-based check against creatures that are sexually attracted to her. This bonus increase by +1 for every 2 HD.
* '''3 HD''': A femme fatal is an expert backstabber, she gains 1d6 points of sneak attack. Sneak attack granted by this feat stack with other sources.
* '''8 HD''': A femme fatal is able to use [[SRD:Charm Person|''charm person'']] (extraordinary ability) as a immediate action at will. (Caster level equal HD), a creature who make it save against this ability cannot be affected by it for 24 hours.* '''15 HD''': Whenever a femme fatal uses or casts [[SRD:Charm Person|''charm person'']] it is instead treated as [[SRD:Charm Monster|''charm monster'']], additionally her charm spell now bypases spell resistance and immunities to mind-affecting spells.

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