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=== Dagon's Statistics Block ===
{{3.5e Monster Classic
[[File:Aboleth Prison by prodigyduck.jpg|500 px|thumb|right|''There has been much talk, and I have listened. Now'' I ''shall talk, and'' you ''shall listen.'']]
''Out of the swirling black waters rises an enormous creature with long tentacles that whip ferociously through the air. Its size alone convinces you that it is in fact Dagon, the Lord of the Depths. His rubbery, black skin is punctuated by a row of bulbous red eyes, which transfix you with an unblinking gaze. His size in impossible to accurately determine, but you guess he measures almost 40 feet from head to tail. You realize with horror that you are already too far into the water as your legs slip out from underneath you, caught in the vice-like grip of one of Dagon’s tentacles.''