:*If struck, the target must make a Reflex save or be considered flat-footed for 1 round. The attack has only 3/5 as many Elephant Gun damage dice as normal, rounded down.
:*If struck, the target is subject to a targeted [[SRD:Greater Dispel Magic|greater dispel magic]] at a caster level equal to the gentleman explorer's character level. The attack has only 1/4 as many Elephant Gun damage dice as normal, rounded down.
:*If struck, the target must make rolls a Reflex save or Strength check against the gentleman explorer's Intelligence check. Resolve this opposed roll as a [[bull rush]] against the target, except that the gentleman explorer does not move and the target may only be driven moved in a line directly away from the gentleman explorer up to 20 feet. The attack has only 3/4 as many Elephant Gun damage dice as normal, rounded down.
*Bar Bar Bar (Ex): Any cultured outdoorsman must be capable of adapting to every pidgin and creole he might encounter, no matter how crude. How else can he tell the savages how to civilize themselves? By spending five minutes conferring with a creature speaking a language he does not know, a gentleman explorer can learn the spoken form of the language.
*Extinctionist: What man could ever call his menagerie complete until he has killed the last of every species in the world? A gentleman explorer gains [[Track (3.5e Feat)|Tome track]] as a bonus feat. Additionally, after spending 1 hour tracking any one creature, he gains the benefits of Minor favored enemy against its creature type, as [[Ranger, Tome (3.5e Class)|Tome ranger]]. This lasts for 24 hours or until he tracks a creature of another type.
*Trophy Room (Sp): Lugging about the husk of a devastation beetle is difficult for the experienced gentleman explorer who might fell such a monstrosity. He certainly lacks the time to bring it to his stately manor, so the natural solution is bringing the manor to it! At will, a gentleman explorer may use [[SRD:Mage's Magnificent Mansion|''mage's magnificent mansion'']] as a spell-like ability at a caster level equal to his character level. The mansion continues to exist even when the spell effect would normally end, and each use creates a portal to the same mansion instead of producing an entirely new mansion. It can be redesigned with each use according to the spell's specifications, but any objects and creatures in it are preserved. The food produced by the spell restocks every 24 hours.
*What Ho! (Ex): Keen instinct and quick wits — ''those'' are the key to getting along in terra incognita. If you don't have the brains to follow your gut or the guts to follow your brain, you'll end up ass-over-tip in a punji pit. When a gentleman explorer (but not an ally) triggers a trap, he may take an immediate action to roll a survival check. This check functions as if it were a search check made to find the trap with the trapfinding class feature. If the gentleman explorer succeeds on this check, he becomes aware of the trap and does not set it off; he instead stops just short of completing whatever action would have triggered it. If he fails on this check, the trap is triggered as normal. Additionally, any time a gentleman explorer would be excluded from a surprise round, he may instead roll initiative normally, but his initiative count is considered 10 lower during the surprise round.
*Voodoo Curse Mere Superstition (Su): Exposure to the sorceries and blasphemies of savage medicine men can teach the wily trekker a thing or two about how to deal with these tricks they insist on calling "magic. " With a swift action, a gentleman explorer can attempt to remove a single active spell effect from himself as the targeted version of ''[[SRD:Dispel Magic|dispel magic]]'' (caster level equals character level). If successful, he may then place this spell effect in any single unarmed strike or weapon attack that he makes before his next turn; this decision is made before rolling the attack. Any one target struck by this attack must make a Will save at DC 10 + 1/2 character level + Int modifer or suffer the spell effect for the remainder of its duration. The originator of the effect retains any control over it that they might have had, such as the ability to dismiss it.
*Confound Electromechanical Bamboozlements (Ex): Savage cultures do not quite understand hospitality. Their dwellings are full of spring-loaded darts and razor-sharp whirligigs which, far from providing comfort for an unwary guest, may leave him uncomfortable on a quite permanent basis! An experienced voyager must learn to cleverly find his way past such contraptions, since it would be rude to vandalize them. When a gentleman explorer has successfully located a trap — whether with a search check, by using What Ho!, or by having it pointed out to him — he may, with 1 minute of close examination, attempt a survival check against the disable device DC would be required to disarm the trap. If successful, he devises a way to introduce a delay so that he and his allies can move past; the next time the trap is triggered, its effects are delayed by 1 round for every point of Intelligence bonus that the gentleman explorer has (minimum 1 round). As with a disable device check, the roll is made in secret, and failure by 5 or more causes the trap to trigger immediately. The gentleman explorer may take 10 or 20 on this check as normal.
*Trap Sense
*Espy Voodoo Shenanigans (Su): Anyone claiming to be a magic man must surely be perpetrating some vile hoax, but that does not make these mountebanks any less dangerous! To survive in those backward cultures that would shelter a shaman, a gentleman explorer must learn to find the flim-flam before he succumbs to it. He is always under the effects of ''[[arcane sight]]'' (minus the glowing eyes), and he may use his Survival skill in place of Spellcraft to identify an aura's school of magic.