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Tholan's Painful Transfer (3.5e Spell)

351 bytes removed, 21:08, 8 September 2012
removing some silliness
{{delete|this was a silly idea, I'll have to revisit it later or something.}}
|author_name=ThunderGod Cid
For each round that the caster maintains concentration on this spell, the target takes 1 point of nonlethal damage per Challenge Rating of the target. Each time that this occurs, the target must make a Will save (if they are unwilling). If the save is failed, the caster may ask one question as though they were using a ''[[SRD:Commune|commune]]'' spell to interrogate the target, which the target must answer to the best of their knowledge and ability.
You may also use this spell on a dead creature, in which case damage is not dealt but no save is necessary. Information is automatically transferred if the creature is deceased, but a creature that has been dead for more than 24 hours cannot be questioned by this spell.

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