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Anorith (3.5e Monster)

289 bytes added, 07:18, 16 September 2012
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|space=2.5 ft. |reach=0 ft.
|sa=Augment Critical (Claw), [[#Metal Claw|Metal Claw]], [[#Predatory|Predatory]]
|sq=[[#Damage Reduction|Damage Reduction]] 2/—, [[#Harden|Harden]], Bug Pokemon Traits, Rock Pokemon Traits
|fort=+7 |ref=+2 |will=-1
|str=8 |dex=12 |con=16 |int=4 |wis=6 |cha=4
|feats=[[SRD:Multiattack|Multiattack]], [[SRD:Improved Natural Attack|Improved Natural Attack]] (Claw), [[SRD:Weapon Finesse|Weapon Finesse]]<sup>B</sup>
|skills=Hide +16
|env=Temperate or Warm Aquatic
|align=Usually Neutral
|adv=5 HD (Tiny), 6-7 HD (Small), 8-9 HD (Medium), Evolves into Armaldo at 10 HD
''Anorith is an ancient creature, thought to be extinct. They appear to be heavily-armoured insects, and are indeed related to them - from long ago. They tend to hide in dark places, tracking down Vermin, and then slash them open to eat their squishy insides. It turns out that humans also have delicious squishy insides.''
'''{{Anchor|Damage Reduction}} ([[Ex]]):''' Anorith has Damage Reduction equal to half its hit dice.
'''{{Anchor|Harden}} ([[Ex]]):''' If Anorith takes a full defense action, its natural armor bonus improves by 4 points for three rounds. Multiple full defenses do not stack. This is a [Rock] effect. In Contests, it becomes immune to points being stolen for the rest of the Round.
'''{{Anchor|Metal Claw}} ([[Ex]]): ''' As a Swift action, Anorith may sharpen its claws, making them even more painful. The size category improves by another category and its Constitution modifier is added as extra damage. This lasts for one full round, and in this case means it deals 1d4+2 damage. This is a [Steel] effect. In Contests, it gains a +2 Bonus on the following Round.
'''{{Anchor|Predatory}}:''' Anoriths remember their ancient prey who seem to have never evolved, being creations, and as such they gain a +8 racial bonus to track Vermin, as well as a +2 bonus to hit and damage them.

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